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CaptainGenocide cheating

deletedalmost 14 years


almost 14 years
I hope this all gets straightened out, because I can't imagine the horror of someone who didn't deserve a trophy getting one.
deletedalmost 14 years
Then that's probably just a reaction to the hostility shown when the "4channers" initially arrived here, with calls to ban them all in the lobby. They don't have to like eachother to hate you more.

And I've yet to see a screencap of anyone but Alien or Aegis saying that, and they've yet to defend Geno in this thread.
deletedalmost 14 years
kor, there are quite a few people posting in this thread that geno isnt cheating, then joining v games and saying he is. I think Ive said this atleast 6 times, how many more times do I have to say it until you understand?
deletedalmost 14 years
I honestly couldn't tell which of your posts were making fun of 4chan or making fun of the EM community, since they were so overly sarcastic.

My above post still is valid as an answer to Germ's question
almost 14 years
Kor, I wasn't being serious. I was making fun of bigbird for saying something about "You think 4channers care about other 4channers?!!?!" and I was also making fun of everyone grouping 4channer into a certain stereotype. I hoped that it was so over the top it would be obvious that none of it was serious, but c'est la vie, that's the internet.
deletedalmost 14 years
Grossdude, if you post "over 9000" on 4chan you'll get alot of very angry people telling you to leave.

And I'm not sure where you're getting "4chan defends Geno because he's 4chan" from, since the screencaps of people saying he's cheating are from...

wait for it

Other "4channers"
almost 14 years
We came in spastic like tameless horses.
We left in plastic as numbered corpses
almost 14 years
Now excuse me, I have to go back to 4chan and post, "Over 9000", where it is still assumed to be funny.
almost 14 years
You think that 4chan cares about anything?

*argues vehemently in defense of geno*
almost 14 years
Heheh, friends? I don't have any I post on 4chan.
almost 14 years
Germatron, perhaps you are unaware that 4chan is full of the rip roaringest rugged individuals that ever existed and the fact that you think they need to stick together only shows how little you understand about internet culture.

*raises pinky*
*sips internet tea*
deletedalmost 14 years
BigBirdJRB 33 minutes 24 seconds
he thinks people from 4chan care about each other?
Did I get that right?

a good amount of /v/irgins are defending him even though they think he cheated, I can't think of another explanation, care to share your own?
almost 14 years
You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd. We ain't to pretty and we ain't to proud. We might be laughing a bit too loud, but that never hurt no one.
almost 14 years
I'd rather laugh with the sinner than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.
almost 14 years
4chon people tend to be allergic to friends
almost 14 years
They don’t show us how to grow, they only show us how to win. There aren't any answers now they’re dead.
almost 14 years
You’ve got an eighty-eight to play. It’ll tell you what to say. It’ll tell you when to breathe.
almost 14 years
It's the Hudson east river cruise. It's the empire state buffoons.
almost 14 years
the day Matt12 has negative karma is when 4chan will be friendly
almost 14 years
I thought ppl from 4chan were friends but you all make it seem like you dislike eachother
deletedalmost 14 years
he thinks people from 4chan care about each other?
Did I get that right?
almost 14 years
Fucking germ, that shit was golden.
"i have a lot of body parts for you to grope" 10/10, would laugh again
almost 14 years
just dropping by to say I love germ for that guise as me.
almost 14 years
A beautiful thread lOl ?
deletedalmost 14 years
Lucian fix your godamn computer