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CaptainGenocide cheating

deletedalmost 14 years


almost 14 years
what i wanna know is how helmutcarus has so many points this round too when he is a troll and an awful player
deletedalmost 14 years
dw piece, you can trust me!
almost 14 years
serials, calm down kids
almost 14 years
Lucid has made his decision, arguing about it from this point on is pointless, we have to respect the choice of the higher ups.

In reality, Lucid's ultimatum is actually decently reasonable, at least he is allowing geno to not get banned. Whether he decides to do so or not is up to him I suppose.
almost 14 years
Can they stop cheating to get first place?
almost 14 years
Can we stop banning everyone who gets first place?
almost 14 years
Meh, this whole thing is silly. I was going to post something similar to Nat's post by the time I got to this page, but it seems I've been beaten to the punch. I see it's just trolls trolling trolls from both sides.
deletedalmost 14 years
A drink in celebration? Sounds like you've had several already.
almost 14 years
I CAN FINALLY POST. A DRINK TO THIS CELEBRATION! My input is that Germatron cannot be trusted. Don't your eyes deceive you. Any friends of cheaters cannot be trusted. HURR DURR HE DOESN'T CHEAT AT ALL NOOOOPPPEEE NOO THAT CAN'T BE. *discovers friend cheated* FRIEND I AM SO DISAPPOINT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CHEAT HERP DERP. Super I think could be trusted or not!? I mean didn't she report her own friend for cheating. Good on you sis. Way to go. Backstabbin' is my fav pastime.

almost 14 years
almost 14 years
Hi, Lucid :)
almost 14 years
Umm. He posted in this thread. He jjust did it. He said "Hi" to me.
deletedalmost 14 years
He did what now?
almost 14 years
Hey, you guys. Lucid posted in this thread.
almost 14 years
As geno's boss, I'll ensure he apologizes for his actions and never tries to pull this bullshit again.
deletedalmost 14 years
Let it never be said our dictator is not a benevolent one. Ave Lucid!
almost 14 years
That's a very good idea, I'll bring it up at the next 4chan council meeting.
deletedalmost 14 years
Let me just say I don't care about any of this, but what bothers me is that germ entered our games not to play but to harass one of the people who play them. What with him bordem and a bunch of other random nuisances it really might be best if we tried a new password. I mean, I don't care if pubbies actually come in to play, but I've yet to see one do that. There always seems to be some anti-4chan reason for them joining.
almost 14 years
this file of proof is over a TB, mitten. Please, realize that I am hindered by modern day technology before you blow up in my face.
almost 14 years
I was never really trying to defend him, just playing Devil's Advocate for a bit, bro.
I honestly dont give a shit about any of this, specially considering that lucid hasnt said anything about this and most likely never will.
almost 14 years
Killer you're the one who is handing out the evidence soo...
deletedalmost 14 years
now that killer knows he cant defend geno anymore, he tries to make fun of it...interesting
almost 14 years
Kor if you didn't think this is a big deal then why the do you keep responding?
deletedalmost 14 years
GrossDude is correct. There are some hugely valuable gold coloured sprites that appear in your profile at stake here.
almost 14 years
in b4 nothing happens at all and everyone forgets about it by next week