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CaptainGenocide cheating

deletedalmost 14 years


almost 14 years
Mitten and I are having an email correspondence and he agrees now that Geno is cheating.
almost 14 years
Mitten hasn't responded...
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
mitten, did you read the top of my first post? obviously I didnt do have the investigation as I origionally planned to. I ran out of time. Ill be making another post with some more facts that will hopefully hammer this into the ground in 30-60 min.

the main point of this thread was to get it out there and hopefully have people do some of their own research. It's like Im frodo and I need sam to carry me to the top of mount doom
almost 14 years
No, the last one there was no thread I recall
almost 14 years
There is not a single player on EM who does not cheat.
deletedalmost 14 years
An a related note, has there EVER been a round without allegations of cheating and a huge scandal?
almost 14 years
My point was not the karma, that wasn't the only thing i said
deletedalmost 14 years
Ive gone down 3 karma because of this thread junma, what's your point?
deletedalmost 14 years
Also like I have told people before, this is my first and only trophy run. You won't ever have to deal with me again. I'm sorry if you guys dislike me so much.
almost 14 years
All of 4chan incoming.
almost 14 years
>They neg people who are not on their side in this discussion.

Why so mad?, everybody has a Lucky strike now and then. i've checked your links and they prove nothing.
almost 14 years
>"Prove to me CaptainGenocide is NOT cheating"
Yeah, because there's nothing called "innocent until proven guilty". It really does sound like a lot of you are just getting really mad Geno is actually doing well. He's never attempted trophy running before, and now he finally has, is really committed to trying to do well, and actually is.
So what if he seems to be doing better than most trophy runners. He's never attempted it before so how would ANY of you know how good he'd be at it if he really committed to it? Plus, just because some of the people that occasionally play with Geno happen to be "friends" of his, does NOT mean he is cheating. Half of the people saying Germ is making a good point are just reading the list, seeing it's big, and automatically assuming everything links together. Here's a tip; it doesn't. At least 75 percent of those games have no evidence whatsoever of cheating, you're all just LOOKING for cheating, and will take any town/mafia mishap, distort it into lies, and you yourself will find cheating.
deletedalmost 14 years
No shit Matt, did you not pick up on my "shame all the runners cheat" post the other day?
deletedalmost 14 years
You're making a list of /v/ players who play with me often. I'm one of the most famous players among all /v/ players here. Tons of /v/ players flock to me like flies to a rotting corpse. I'll admit I was carried through a hefty sum of games, dying n1 and winning by doing nothing, but I don't metagame. I rely on others' skill to succeed, I am sorry I made you work so hard.
almost 14 years
The best trophy runners are usually only a couple points ahead
deletedalmost 14 years
He is almost 300 points ahead of the 2nd and 3rd place holders.

I think this thread should be "Prove to me CaptainGenocide is NOT cheating"
almost 14 years
Most of the games seem legit, but this one makes me wonder.

I don't know either way, but that one is really weird.
almost 14 years
Dude, you just listed a bunch of people who played ranked games regularly. Just because he was gonna get gold, and you get stuck with bronze, you get all buttranged and jelly, and try to start a thread against him...

I've played with him loads, he doesnt seem to cheat, or pick mafia "seemingly at random".

This is all just you listing names and claiming just because he has friends, he must be using them to meta.
deletedalmost 14 years
I get Geno lynched d1

The other game were I killed him n1 as vigil in a reverse setup the Stalker suicided, but I can dig for that one if you really want it.

Leave me out of this shit
deletedalmost 14 years
Don't feel bad, I couldn't either Germ.
almost 14 years
Germ all of 4chan will defend him as you can already tell.
deletedalmost 14 years
mitten? was that a defense of geno or an attack at me? I really cant tell
almost 14 years
I like how you cannot even keep track of anyone's alts properly or even figure out how many games someone has played with Geno. That doesn't stop plenty of people not even bothering to read and just seeing a big list of game and saying 'wow, he must be right!'

I find it funny how you think anyone likes Geno when he died n1 so often that the optimal strategy for the town was for everyone to visit him and if no one tried to kill him to lynch him d1 as obvious mafia.
deletedalmost 14 years
Of course you'd say that Trollan, you two are in the same family. You're friends.