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Zombie Apocalypse Survival Ranking

almost 6 years

hello it's me. lesbian.

zombies have risen from their graves and are here to kill us all. but some of us will survive because we are survivors. i will be ranking you based on your survival probability compared to others on this list. i will also be tagging whether you live or die and what kind of survivor i think you are.

i want a zombie to eat me
4 signed
sign here if you want a zombie to eat you
are zombies hot
yes zombies are hot
i am afraid
no they are not
almost 6 years
do me ;)
almost 6 years
hej me pleaase
almost 6 years
survival doggo here pls rate
almost 6 years
hi lesbin pirate
almost 6 years
me tho
almost 6 years
hey me
almost 6 years
omg me
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
hi rank me!!! :)
almost 6 years
zombies can't eat me cuz I got no brains
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
do me
almost 6 years
"ends up sacrificing for emily"

wow that is accurate af. i would sacrifice myself for her any time.
almost 6 years
Will trade my companions for old memes from zombies.

Protects waifu at all costs.

I think I'll survive
almost 6 years
I thought I posted but u deleted that thread so i'm not first to die now...
almost 6 years
i would survive cus i would freeze ur body for food and live in a high security prison
almost 6 years
hitch me to a wagon and use me as bait
almost 6 years
muki will be at the back of the car running shouting wait 4 me
almost 6 years
third of all, i'd be in the trunk
almost 6 years
second of all, he would take me with him
almost 6 years
first of all, i would just fix a car and escape
almost 6 years

D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says

if i die list is rigged, i have an AR

(also yes, it took me 3 tries to post this correctly)
almost 6 years

D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says

if i die list is rigged, i have an AR

almost 6 years

char says

sam you have caused ww3 in our group chat

how do you fight the zombies when ur busy fighting each other
almost 6 years
sam you have caused ww3 in our group chat