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Tier List Tier List

almost 6 years

In a time of tier lists for all things (namely ranking mafia players, helping or hurting their fragile egos along the way) I believe it is time that we switch up the status quo. There are a great many tier lists. Some fantastic, some... not. So let's take some time to reflect on which ones buttered our onion pies.

Now, let's get out of the way what the categories are in which I'm choosing to review these tier lists, to be rated on a 1-5 scale:

  1. Harmlessness - Sufficient minimisation of harm or hurtfulness in the way in which these tier lists are presented. The more they're likely to offend someone, the low
  2. Effort - How much effort did the person put into formatting and writing their post? Points are earned for detailed explanations of rules and deducted for spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and miscellaneous laziness such as insufficient explanation of placements.
  3. Interaction - The amount of user interaction in the comments and likes on the thread. Excessive negative responses may impede a list's score in this category.
  4. Accuracy - Extra points for giving credit to hardworking players (or whatever fits the list) and negative points for clearly incorrect placements.

As for tiers, Tier 1 will be the highest and Tier 5 will be the lowest.

Now please bear in mind that these are my personal opinions. If you agree or disagree, please leave a polite comment explaining why, and feel free to place this list into a tier yourself as I don't feel it appropriate to rank my own thread. I would love to hear your feedback. I'll be writing out the placements and other details below, links included. Let's jam.

---Tier 1---


This should be the one to kick the list off, as it's a prime example of what I like to see in a tier list. The layout is easily readable and descriptions are concise. The creator of the list, Sasuke, clearly has put some thought into this list. There's only currently one player ranked in the list's top tier, and they are a controversial figure. However, they also deserve some level of credit for their game knowledge, so I'm still glad to see them featured regardless. This list does have a 'trash' tier, though it's not used to hurt but instead label those who actively do things to ruin a game. It also features a meme tier for those who don't fall into any ordinary tier ranking. You should definitely check this out if you're a fan of presentation in a tier list.

  1. Harmlessness - [5]
  2. Effort - [4]
  3. Interaction - [3]
  4. Accuracy - [5]

---Tier 2---


---Tier 3---


I would have liked to have placed this tier list higher. It's true to what it is -- a mafia player ranking tier list. And the placements aren't too shabby. Unfortunately, it lacked any real descriptions and the thread layout was haphazardly thrown together. Additionally, the players list and the one in the thread itself were nearly indistinguishable and didn't add to one another at all, and as a result, I couldn't bring myself to place this any higher.

  1. Harmlessness - [4]
  2. Effort - [2]
  3. Interaction - [2]
  4. Accuracy - [4]


Now, I know what you're thinking. Is this really a tier list? Well, possibly not. But it is fairly close, so I'll consider it one. Spacechupi has based this list around the common alignments of tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. It showcases what she believes to be an accurate representation of people's personalities as represented by the nine different alignments ranging from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil. It gets bonus points for creativity, and some leniency in interaction considering it's only been posted for about an hour at the time of me writing this. It does, however, lack any detailed descriptions, despite having reasonable formatting.

  1. Harmlessness - [4]
  2. Effort - [3]
  3. Interaction - [3]
  4. Accuracy - [4]

---Tier 4---


Shamu's simply titled Player Tierlist's main and valuable draw is that it acknowledges the individual skills of each player. However, it does so at the cost of its accuracy. The rankings are a little off, and as nobody has been placed below a C on an A through F tier list, I'm hard-pressed to believe these aren't just given to protect people's feelings. If they wish to be ranked, then this dishonesty can have a negative impact in the harmlessness category as it doesn't help them improve. The layout of the thread isn't terrible, but beyond spacing out paragraphs, it doesn't really do anything to appeal to the reader.

  1. Harmlessness - [3]
  2. Effort - [3]
  3. Interaction - [3]
  4. Accuracy - [2]

---Tier 5---


This is not a skill ranking list. This list seems to exist to make people happy. It's not inherently a bad thing; in fact, I'd call it a good thing. It isn't, however, an effective ranking list or method. There's very little effort put into the thread itself, and as it's a list based on favourite people, I'd say it's fair to base this list's accuracy on my own feelings towards the people listed and the way in which they are ordered.

  1. Harmlessness - [5]
  2. Effort - [1]
  3. Interaction - [2]
  4. Accuracy - [2]


I will start this off by saying that this list should be recognised for what it is. And that's a joke. It shouldn't be taken as a serious statement, which is what saves it in the harmlessness category. Unfortunately, it's just a copy/pasted rip-off of Shamu's thread. Nobody is ranked above an F+, and it lacks any real substance.

  1. Harmlessness - [3]
  2. Effort - [1]
  3. Interaction - [2]
  4. Accuracy - [1]


This isn't a tier list. Who put this here?

  1. Harmlessness - [5]
  2. Effort - [4]
  3. Interaction - [4]
  4. Accuracy - [?]
  5. Tier list - [No]
almost 6 years
stinky deserves to be at the bottom
almost 6 years
i made a sandbox one
almost 6 years
wow now i gotta update my descriptions
almost 6 years
Updated to include Spacechupi's EM Player Alignment Chart
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Anne is the best