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Actual Player Tier List

almost 6 years

ur boy sheeppotato is making a player tierlist

if u wanna understand ranking just don't ask

it's quite simple Tiers go from S and then F with - or + depending on how necessary I think it feels.

F tier means that I think your strongest trait is in one of these tiers. S+ means that I think you have 4 traits in F tier. S means I think you have 3 traits in F tier. S- means I think you have 2 traits in F tier.

For what it's worth, I think it's possible for everyone to get F tier, since I'm rating by their strongest traits. Each of these traits is a play style that can get an abysmal win-rate.

Edit: Adding the tags (fat) which means I think all of your skills have reached this level.

Fat, which means you are round.

For example: veggieking is fat and I'd say his skills are around F-- tier, but not enough to be F tier.

Another example: Shamu is bottom tier and he doesn't even fit 2 traits.

With recent threads regarding under/overrated players as well as the best players on EpicMafia, I thought it would be a common, generic, done and beaten to death 1 billion times, idea to have most afk players be classified in a tier-list, based on their overall GT'ing skills.

I plan on ranking my friends high, but I might forget a few people! If you'd like to be included in my list or would like a more detailed explanation on my opinion, feel free to self-delete lol.

Tier list I will be using TOP: The best of the best GT'ers. Proficient in all roles and great as either alignment. Capable of throwing no matter the scenario.

GREAT: Competent as either alignment, might be better at one over the other, but skilled at both. Overcompensating players who really know how to text online.

GOOD: Highly competent at just one alignment or decently capable at both. May struggle with a certain aspect of the game (having friends, circlejerking, Ate'ing, etc.), but still better than most.

ABOVE AVERAGE: Players who are typically fat, but not particularly outstanding in anything. They might lack the confidence or exercise of the players above them.

AVERAGE: Your average mafia player. Might suicide sometimes and may not be my friend, but are unable to apply these skills consistently or naturally. Usually, they have never bothered to DM me.

BELOW AVERAGE: Randoms that are only really good at doing one thing. Their alignments are transparent and oftentimes they don't help or hinder the games. They're really good fodder players to lynch bc I'm afraid of pissing off my friends lynching them day one.

TRASH: The Best of the worst. They intentionally make the game harder than it needs to be for everyone involved. Lack of knowledge, are often capable of seeing what they've done wrong, can't fall back on their committed play so they continue inting down my game.

MEME: The enlightened Player. These are the prophets sent to the holy land to remind everyone there's less than 100 people on the site and you're competing against each other for the sad ego boosting glory of beating 40 people that do play competitive.


TOP TIER: char's mom

GREAT: shady69, staycommunistcomrade

GOOD: Men, Citadel, Sponging, Multiple Chins, Snooki, Drug User

ABOVE AVERAGE: Ozilda, Salty Mofo, MacnCheese, skateboard, DarkFemaleDog, Mexico, VeggiePleb, Memeji, MissesPresident, SinFemaleDog

AVERAGE: aids, compensating, Gagging gamin, dia, ballness, Xx_69_420thElementz_69_xX, relax., Zofio, never, pokemon evolution, Cracker, BitTorrent, Yo.

BELOW AVERAGE: SexuallyAttractedToBooks, dyingingeneral, NaturalDaylight, ArmchairTherapist, KinkyjusRevenge

TRASH: starrytrash, xPoop, R3DTR4SH, yourmomga

MEME: sixtynineseas, ILovePewd'sGenitals, José Marrón Uno Dos Tres

almost 6 years
do me
almost 6 years
I'm not in it :(

Edit: I up lolz
almost 6 years
PotatoToday at 6:00 AM
you have to post
no special treatment
almost 6 years
I would like to thank my fans and family once again for recently being featured in Sponging's Ranking Thread List
almost 6 years
Reminder this is the Actual player tier list, all the other ones are posers
almost 6 years
goldman number 1 tier
almost 6 years
updated spacechupi to FFF tier
almost 6 years
Lmaoo eli
almost 6 years
Make my label potato god pls :>
almost 6 years
Can you make my color purple pls and ty it helps me sleep it at nite.
almost 6 years
Changed the colors to a rainbow so it looks like a coloring book for children for the low attention span people
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Updated to closely represent a high tier tier list
almost 6 years
Obligatory thanks to all my fans and family for this thread entering Her's hall of fame of tier lists
deletedalmost 6 years
where im i
almost 6 years
Not a single non-trash on sight
almost 6 years
jobe also hey miguel
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
did we ever play?
almost 6 years
add me
almost 6 years
I need my own tier
almost 6 years
i am a trash scumhunter. i put the scum in the trash!
almost 6 years
Rate me please!
almost 6 years
S tier chupi
almost 6 years
put me in this one thanks