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Player Ranking Thread

almost 6 years

With recent threads regarding under/overrated players as well as the best players on EpicMafia, I thought it would be an interesting idea to have most active players be classified in a tier-list, based on their overall in-game skills.

I plan on ranking well-known players, but I might forget a few people! If you'd like to be included in my list or would like a more detailed explanation on my opinion, feel free to comment.

Tier list I will be using

TOP: The best of the best. Proficient in all roles and great as either alignment. Highly knowledgeable, does not make many mistakes, and capable of thinking fast.

GREAT: Competent as either alignment, might be better at one over the other, but skilled at both. Confident players who really know how to use logic and other persuasion tactics to help their team to victory.

GOOD: Highly competent at just one alignment or decently capable at both. May struggle with a certain aspect of the game (scumhunting, persuasion, towntelling, etc.), but still better than most.

ABOVE AVERAGE: Players who are typically well-rounded, but not particularly outstanding in anything. They might lack the confidence or knowledge of the players above them.

AVERAGE: Your average mafia player. Might make good reads sometimes and may not be the most obvious mafia, but are unable to apply these skills consistently or naturally. Usually, they have a lot of room for potential.

BELOW AVERAGE: Players that are only really good at doing one thing. Their alignments are transparent and oftentimes they don't help or hinder the game. You've probably played with them a thousand times but can't remember a single notable play they've made.

TRASH: The worst of the worst. They unintentionally make the game harder than it needs to be for everyone involved. Lack of knowledge, are often incapable of seeing what they've done wrong, and are easily influenced.

MEME: Players who intentionally make the game harder than it needs to be. These are the power trippers who force everyone to play in suboptimal ways while lacking the skill to reap the benefits from it.


TOP TIER: char

GREAT: shady12, staypositivefriend, Jeff

GOOD: Meg, Citadel, Songin, Chinatsu, muki, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n

ABOVE AVERAGE: Ozil, NaCl, mac, skathi, DarkB, Mexica, VeggieLord, Memoji, MisterPresident, SinB

AVERAGE: syd, sexsymbol, Blister, dia, Boxness, ZzFifthElementzZ, relaxiii, Zofia, ever, evolpz, Myx, Torreador, YozZz, Moldyches, Leeroyy

BELOW AVERAGE: mssbooklover, dyinginside, Solux, APsychologist, KinkajusRevenge

TRASH: starrydash, xPooky, R3DL4RCH, jdoga, benjaH

MEME: sevenseas, ILovePewPews, JM123

almost 6 years
"I plan on ranking well-known players, but I might forget a few people!"

>not on the list
>charley is top tier

almost 6 years

Awnyy says


Stay piece of s-
almost 6 years
Staypos impressed me this week, she had a very consistent and well above average scum performance
almost 6 years
Rate me.
almost 6 years
Who believes in a ranking with char standing alone in the Top Tier? lol
almost 6 years
can you do me too pls
deletedalmost 6 years
put me in the trash where i belong
almost 6 years
rank me pls
deletedalmost 6 years
do me
almost 6 years
u didn’t have to do me like that xd
almost 6 years
do me next :>
almost 6 years
almost 6 years

Jobe says


almost 6 years
Sorry there is a mistake in the game, I should be top tier... Fix the problem please!
almost 6 years
roast me
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
I win
almost 6 years
i agree with my placement, disagree that i have potential
almost 6 years
Hi I'm flattered that I didn't have to ask to be on this. :)
almost 6 years
>add me to the list
almost 6 years
almost 6 years

Torreador says

imagine calling switching things up "making the game harder than it needs to be"

imagine thinking most meme users lack skill to pull their plays off

imagine thinking there is such thing as an optimal way for both town and mafia to act, that this game is as predictable as chess

imagine not seeing through the matrix and adapting to each situation, each table, each day with a new innovative way to approach things in 5D Chess while most "players" are on autopilot

imagine being this conformist

meme tier.
almost 6 years
Rank me
almost 6 years
how is shady not top tier?
almost 6 years
imagine calling switching things up "making the game harder than it needs to be"

imagine thinking most meme users lack skill to pull their plays off

imagine thinking there is such thing as an optimal way for both town and mafia to act, that this game is as predictable as chess

imagine not seeing through the matrix and adapting to each situation, each table, each day with a new innovative way to approach things in 5D Chess while most "players" are on autopilot

imagine being this conformist