deletedover 6 years

they hate me and should be banned from doing my reports.

they always vio me, but 90% of the time it is overthrown

they called my psycho today and this is why they think its okay to vio farm me


should be overturned:

shows her hatred for me:

she should not be doing my reports if she can't be impartial

deletedover 6 years
as for this thread--

Ally says

ill gladly agree to do no reports on you or filed by you from now on :)

deletedover 6 years
I actually give no f*cos about what's going on right now, I'm hist extremely bored. I actually have the biggest smile right now because of how funny I find all this!
deletedover 6 years
i'm not the type to change my decision to please people

every other time mtlve has complained abt me me i defended my choice and left it up to other mods/nathan if they wanted to ot it

this time i think i might've been wrong but want to talk about it with the person who did the original report

u seem jaded yami
deletedover 6 years
Looks like the plan here is: I'm getting backlash time to save myself by undoing what I did then trying to justify it.

Mod team should work pr for a company, they seem to know the drill quite well.
deletedover 6 years
i sustained it first, then after you made the thread and explained it again i messaged her because i wasn't sure if i should keep the vote to sustain and wanted to hear what she thought
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

i haven't oted it because the original report wasn't me, i messaged shoopie a few hours ago to ask her for her reasoning but she hasn't gotten back to me yet

dude you sustained the report even though you asked for an explanation from the original mod and had not heard back?

you should sustain/ot reports by what actually happened in the game. read the actual game and think a little
over 6 years
OT to GT.
deletedover 6 years
i haven't oted it because the original report wasn't me, i messaged shoopie a few hours ago to ask her for her reasoning but she hasn't gotten back to me yet
over 6 years
Mtlve explained her shot perfectly well in the other thread. Why not just ot it?
deletedover 6 years
but the alt i mostly play on is bye i don't play a ton on this acct
deletedover 6 years
i can't tell if ur being sarcastic
over 6 years
Has ally ever played comp? I don't even recognize the name
over 6 years
It wasn't hipfire though. Not even remotely
deletedover 6 years
i also don't "always vio you" and will gladly go find examples where i nv'd you
deletedover 6 years
someone else handled the original report for the hipfire i just sustained it bc i agreed with it

but ill gladly agree to do no reports on you or filed by you from now on :)
deletedover 6 years

Shwartz99 says

I have absolutely no idea what any of this drama is about but I'm just here to say that

Ally is cool!

corruption is not cool....
over 6 years
I have absolutely no idea what any of this drama is about but I'm just here to say that

Ally is cool!