
Report #248,171

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 6 years
appeal: i agree that this is ogi if i tried to influence votes. however i was dead and i did not include information that everyone in the game did not already know. i just reported the sheriff that hipfired me and said they hipfired me! everyone knew they were sheriff so this did not do anything beyond annoy ally because she could not see the game right after i reported it! while there is an obscure line there that says you cant report games that are in progress, we all know that this is designed to stop the hooker from reporting the nilla during the game and calling him mafia while he is still alive...
over 6 years
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denial has said it all.
deletedover 6 years
damn ally is petty af demod the b!tch
over 6 years
Vote ot to no vio. It's clear that dr3amer wasn't using anything to influence the game if OUTTED SHERIFF is the one that is being revealed with a report. dr3amer reveals this line of thinking in his appeal, so it clearly wasn't an accidental reveal of roles either.
over 6 years
So you vio'd something of dr3amer simply because it was listed as ogi.
over 6 years
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just take it as a warning to not report during games, there are a variety of ways reporting somebody during a game can impact a game without directly ruining it by revealing who mafia is, btw
deletedover 6 years
It didn’t annoy me it was listed as OGI so I vioed it lol