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Ally dumbest mod ever

over 6 years

"round paused so people can play their hearts since the site was down etc etc we go thru this every round at least once now"

do you ever think when you type???? the round lasts 10 days max, the worst that can happen if you veg hearts is you miss out on a 10 day run that you can start over. not only that - hearts can be played on the next day (5 + 5). If the player didnt play his hearts for full 24 hours, chances are he does not care about the current run. this is the dumbest reason to pause the round, it pisses off 95% of the players while you try to please the 5%. demod the idiots who keep pausing rounds for this stupid reason.

over 6 years
i wonder how old putler is
over 6 years
bump for relevancy
over 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

give me 2 days and I'll have pranay back on my side

scratch that, it only took an hour
over 6 years
give me 2 days and I'll have pranay back on my side
deletedover 6 years
bsm mad because he stays most hated mod!!
over 6 years
she's crowing about this now
deletedover 6 years
thx xoxox ur not so bad urself
over 6 years
I retract, Ally is actually pretty cool
over 6 years
I endorse this thread
over 6 years
"do you ever think when you type????"

the irony is real
over 6 years

eat says

Ally is a witch! She turned me into a newt!

i got better...

over 6 years
downvoted. bad post.
deletedover 6 years
Ally is a witch! She turned me into a newt!

i got better...
over 6 years
Hi my name's Trey. I have a basketball game tomorrow. Well I'm a point guard. I got shoe game.
over 6 years
Ally is a corrupt and fascist mod
over 6 years
Allys a mad bod

emm I mean bad mod obviously!
over 6 years
agreed with everything mtlve said. gosh ur so smarticle
deletedover 6 years
the title of this thread is great but the content is crap. if the website is down for like 6+ hours, it should be paused...
over 6 years
over 6 years
v v v bad thread
over 6 years
*Ally most beautiful mod ever

Title correction, that is all
over 6 years
freakish suggestion: if you want to play mafia just play red heart
over 6 years
suspiciously the people who complain about round being paused are the same people who are not at all playing mafia games or trying to play 5 hearts a day. wonder what's up with THAT lol.
over 6 years
why do people care. like it's genuinely not that big of a deal and i hate to always bust out the "this is a website people choose to use for entertainment so it doesn't matter" argument but like. it doesn't matter. it's 24 hours of your life you can spend doing anything else, if i'm not mistaken. don't quote me on any of this but i hear there's more to life than javamafia
over 6 years
not sure how this would get to 5 pages

nevermaf ur wrong btw

also, it might only affect 5% (it probably doesnt
even affect that much), but it doesn't mean that the remaining % are going to be distraught over the round being paused

bottom line basically is users lost time to play hearts so the round is paused to help alleviate that

the current system lets a user play 5 hearts a day in a competitive round; the site being down for a significant duration sounds like a good reason to pause the round so that users aren't "forced" to have to play more