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Ally dumbest mod ever

over 6 years

"round paused so people can play their hearts since the site was down etc etc we go thru this every round at least once now"

do you ever think when you type???? the round lasts 10 days max, the worst that can happen if you veg hearts is you miss out on a 10 day run that you can start over. not only that - hearts can be played on the next day (5 + 5). If the player didnt play his hearts for full 24 hours, chances are he does not care about the current run. this is the dumbest reason to pause the round, it pisses off 95% of the players while you try to please the 5%. demod the idiots who keep pausing rounds for this stupid reason.

over 6 years
Yeah ALLY, don't you know that "95%" of the player base sits around refreshing the page ALL DAY? Pausing the round makes everyone MAD
deletedover 6 years

Borrach says

Ally is the best and i love her. Err i mean, yeah *mean comment here*

ur my only friend <3
over 6 years
Ally is the best and i love her. Err i mean, yeah *mean comment here*
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

im deleting survivor lobby and all of these people with it

all 5 people

wadhia was right
deletedover 6 years
im deleting survivor lobby and all of these people with it
over 6 years
yeah she is pretty bad
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
ally is indeed the worst and dumbest mod ever, she wont even ally me in games
deletedover 6 years
i hate you both
over 6 years
I agree Ally is the dumbest mod ever and she's a nerd loser too that's why i'm only married to her alt because she's not good enough for me

jk i love u please don't ban me officer
deletedover 6 years
I agree ally's the dumbest mod ever
deletedover 6 years
also why do you care you are BANNED you can't play in the round anyway
deletedover 6 years
1) don't shoot the messenger

2) we've literally stated this 328953 times before: it's not fair for people to veg hearts due to the site having issues.