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Sandbox Big Brother Game Thread

deletedover 7 years
still the best season
deletedalmost 8 years
on behalf of the cast, thanks to amelio for being the most amazing host, even when some of the host team left him to do everything on his own. you're a trooper amelio and the season was incredibly well done :-) ♥
almost 8 years

verumbark says

aaaaa i tried not to get involved w this at all bc it seemed confusing to the extent that it intimidated me (it was the first time id ever heard of big brother tbh) but??? i might ????? be interested in competing in s2?????????? idk i would probably need a lot of help

Do it!
almost 8 years
I was so close to winnin' the draft
almost 8 years
aaaaa i tried not to get involved w this at all bc it seemed confusing to the extent that it intimidated me (it was the first time id ever heard of big brother tbh) but??? i might ????? be interested in competing in s2?????????? idk i would probably need a lot of help
almost 8 years
Thank you for roxy for Lurking and doing absolutley nothing ;p
almost 8 years
Season is over. TheStyleAisle is the winner.

I thought I was going to write a huge essay about this when it was done but wew im kind of exhausted tbh.

Great season, it was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who participated no matter how small or big their participation was.

Thanks to my fellow co-hosts, specially to Zeezo.

Thanks to the people in survivor lobby, specially the hosts and players of EMBB3 which were the main reason why I hosted this.

I have announced this to some people but I don't think I was ever clear enough about it in public.

Season 2 is happening. With a new cast, new twists, new host team, etc. Stay tuned! Applications should be opening in around two weeks and the game starting in early July.

It's good that I'll be taking a "break" from this and not start the next season right after the other like it often happens in ORGs, because as enjoyable as it was, it also burnt me out a bit. And I want to give my best which I know I wouldn't be able to if I head straight into another one.

Thanks for following as well. Hope you enjoyed. See you soon.
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
[11:22:52 PM] agus strider: speaking of ThoughtfulOlive
[11:22:53 PM] TheTigress: olive has kind eyes and a kind heart
[11:22:57 PM] TheStyleAisle: I came all the way here just to watch dooze not win a single award? bye
[11:22:59 PM] agus strider: it's time to show you guys one of my favorite things of the entire game
[11:23:06 PM] OhLookACat: oh no
[11:23:06 PM] *** ThoughtfulOlive blushes ***
[11:23:15 PM] TheStyleAisle: IT'S GUNNA BE A PICUTRE OF ME
[11:23:18 PM] dooze: It's ok bb I got a lot of special mentions I'm flattered
[11:23:24 PM] dooze: It's olives nudes
[11:23:25 PM] rockgirlnikki: I've been waiting for this moment
[11:23:34 PM] rockgirlnikki: (hotchocolate)
[11:23:41 PM] OhLookACat: when amelio gets excited about things i get worried
[11:23:45 PM] agus strider:
[11:23:47 PM] agus strider: iconic video
[11:23:49 PM] agus strider: please watch it
[11:23:53 PM] OhLookACat: oh my god
[11:24:11 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Iffffff you want to
[11:24:13 PM] Stove: yay its sideways
[11:24:28 PM] agus strider: the video doesn't matter as much as the sound tbh
[11:24:31 PM] agus strider: pls watch it
[11:24:49 PM] Ally: [9:14:13 PM] agus strider: The winner of the America's favorites....
[9:14:17 PM] Dean C: <3
[9:14:20 PM] agus strider: Ally
[11:24:50 PM] Ally: YAAAAAAS
[11:24:58 PM] agus strider: my favorite olive video is that last one btw
[11:25:03 PM] OhLookACat: omg olive
[11:25:08 PM] OhLookACat: you are so cute
[11:25:11 PM] Stove: 10/10 sound
[11:25:22 PM] TheStyleAisle: Olive wanna go into radio with me
[11:25:27 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: You are what you watch on YouTube
[11:25:37 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: So you're cute too, OLAC!
almost 8 years
[11:21:50 PM] agus strider: Should sign up to IRL Big Brother
[11:21:55 PM] TheTigress: TSA
[11:21:55 PM] TheTigress: TSA
[11:21:56 PM] TheTigress: TSA
[11:21:57 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: TheStyleAisle, TheTigress, Seplo
[11:22:01 PM] TheStyleAisle: O
[11:22:01 PM] TheTigress: FFS
[11:22:03 PM] dooze: Omg
[11:22:04 PM] rockgirlnikki: I
[11:22:06 PM] rockgirlnikki: I
[11:22:07 PM] rockgirlnikki:
[11:22:09 PM] OhLookACat: y'all were robbed
[11:22:10 PM] rockgirlnikki: O****
[11:22:11 PM] agus strider: Should sign up to IRL Big Brother: ThoughtfulOlive
[11:22:14 PM] OhLookACat: :OOO
[11:22:16 PM] rockgirlnikki: Yeah!
[11:22:18 PM] dooze: Ooooh
[11:22:20 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:22:21 PM] dooze: I agree
[11:22:22 PM] TheStyleAisle: tbh I agree
[11:22:29 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Thanks, love!
almost 8 years
[11:19:05 PM | Edited 11:19:18 PM] agus strider: Funniest player
[11:19:08 PM] dooze: bye
[11:19:14 PM] TheTigress: o tre
[11:19:15 PM] TheStyleAisle: SEPLO
[11:19:22 PM] TheTigress: omg u all made me cackle
[11:19:24 PM] TheStyleAisle: Olive?
[11:19:24 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: rockgirlnikki, dooze, TheTigress
[11:19:26 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:19:28 PM] TheTigress: TYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:19:30 PM] OhLookACat: ooooo
[11:19:32 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:19:39 PM] agus strider: winner is once again, OhLookACat
[11:19:40 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Dean made me laugh
[11:19:41 PM] dooze: Omg special mentions thank u
[11:19:42 PM] OhLookACat: WHY
[11:19:42 PM] Stove: (rofl)
[11:19:43 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
almost 8 years
[11:17:26 PM] agus strider: Most Robbed Pre-Juror
[11:17:36 PM] rockgirlnikki: DOOZE
[11:17:36 PM] TheStyleAisle: here we go
[11:17:40 PM] sammy: dooze or olac
[11:17:41 PM] sammy: (sips)
[11:17:41 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: dooze, deandean, sammy
[11:17:45 PM] TheTigress: OLAC
[11:17:45 PM] rockgirlnikki: OLAC
[11:17:46 PM] TheTigress: ITS OLAC
[11:17:46 PM] sammy: olac
[11:17:47 PM] TheTigress: HAS TO BE
[11:17:53 PM] rockgirlnikki: Deandean
[11:17:54 PM] agus strider: but the winner is indeed OhLookACat
[11:17:54 PM] rockgirlnikki: Lol
[11:17:56 PM] TheTigress: he got mugged
[11:17:56 PM] TheStyleAisle: OLAC was robbed HARD
[11:17:59 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: The Cat King!
[11:18:00 PM] TheTigress: horrible
[11:18:04 PM] rockgirlnikki: (cat)
[11:18:19 PM] OhLookACat: (wasntme)
[11:18:27 PM] OhLookACat: y'all are too much ;~;
[11:18:31 PM] dooze: WE WERE ROBBED ILY ALL
almost 8 years
[11:15:43 PM] agus strider: Best Diary Rooms Award
[11:15:49 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:15:50 PM] rockgirlnikki: Olive
[11:15:51 PM] Stove: yes this one
[11:15:52 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:15:53 PM] TheStyleAisle: NOT STYLE
[11:15:58 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: TheStyleAisle, Ally, ThoughtfulOlive
[11:15:59 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:16:00 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:16:02 PM] TheStyleAisle: O
[11:16:11 PM] TheTigress: IS IT BABY SEPS
[11:16:12 PM] OhLookACat: (clap)
[11:16:15 PM] agus strider: winner: OhLookACat
[11:16:16 PM] Stove: (clap) (clap) (clap)
[11:16:17 PM] TheStyleAisle: S E P L O
[11:16:18 PM] TheTigress: OMFG OLAC
[11:16:18 PM] TheStyleAisle: o
[11:16:19 PM] dooze: Hey TSA didn't win something lmaooo
[11:16:20 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap) :O
[11:16:23 PM] dooze: ILY TSA
[11:16:29 PM] TheStyleAisle: COME AT ME DOOZE
[11:16:30 PM] rockgirlnikki: (cat) (clap) (cat)
[11:16:32 PM] dooze: CONGRATS OLAC AAAAA
[11:16:32 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap) (cat) (clap)
[11:16:33 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Congratsamundo!
[11:16:38 PM] OhLookACat: all those sleepless nights paid off |-)
[11:16:42 PM] TheStyleAisle: OLAC you star
almost 8 years
[11:15:01 PM] agus strider: Most HoH wins
[11:15:06 PM] agus strider: Triple Tie: TheStyleAisle, TheTigress, killic33
[11:15:08 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:15:10 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:15:13 PM] agus strider: Most PoV wins
[11:15:14 PM] OhLookACat: #rigged
[11:15:14 PM] TheStyleAisle: ok but that's goals
[11:15:16 PM] TheTigress: TYSM
[11:15:19 PM] agus strider: TheStyleAisle Runner-up: ThoughtfulOlive
[11:15:20 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:15:21 PM] TheTigress: EatAE
[11:15:22 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
almost 8 years
[11:13:24 PM] agus strider: America's favorite
[11:13:28 PM] agus strider: aka Jokers
[11:13:32 PM] rockgirlnikki: AMERICA
[11:13:34 PM] rockgirlnikki: USA USA
[11:13:35 PM] TheStyleAisle: s e p l o
[11:13:45 PM] rockgirlnikki: (yotfr)
[11:13:52 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: TheTigress, collokey, rockgirlnikki
[11:13:55 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:13:57 PM] Dean C: I'm back
[11:13:57 PM] TheTigress: TY!!!
[11:14:00 PM] Dean C: Hello
[11:14:00 PM] OhLookACat: hi dean :OO
[11:14:02 PM] rockgirlnikki: Oh dean is here
[11:14:04 PM] rockgirlnikki: Lol
[11:14:05 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:14:07 PM] agus strider: hi dean tsa won 5-1
[11:14:08 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:14:09 PM] dooze: DEAANNN
[11:14:13 PM] agus strider: The winner of the America's favorites....
[11:14:17 PM] Dean C: <3
[11:14:20 PM] agus strider: Ally
[11:14:21 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:14:22 PM] sammy: Dean getting first out in SBBB and EMVV2? Deja vu, Amelio-san?
[11:14:23 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:14:23 PM] agus strider: and no one is shook
[11:14:27 PM] dooze: YASSSSSSS
[11:14:30 PM] rockgirlnikki: The fans at home loved u ally
[11:14:31 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Fosho!
[11:14:32 PM] rockgirlnikki: Hehe
[11:14:35 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
almost 8 years
[11:11:38 PM] TheTigress: BABY SEPS
[11:11:38 PM] dooze: awwwwww ty ;-; I made it mom
[11:11:47 PM] OhLookACat: olive i wrote my speech
[11:11:52 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Yessssss
[11:11:53 PM] agus strider: But my favorite and also Zeezo's favorite for a while is, ironically............
[11:11:56 PM] agus strider: TheStyleAisle
[11:11:57 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:11:59 PM] TheStyleAisle: .
[11:12:00 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:12:00 PM] TheStyleAisle: O
[11:12:01 PM] TheTigress: OK SAME
[11:12:01 PM] TheStyleAisle: LMFAO
[11:12:01 PM] TheTigress: SAME
[11:12:02 PM] TheTigress: SAME
[11:12:02 PM] OhLookACat: 'toe jam is the worst'
[11:12:03 PM] sammy: ooo
[11:12:07 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: (Clap)
[11:12:11 PM] OhLookACat: congrats style :OO
[11:12:18 PM] dooze: TSA is a cutie who could resist that face
[11:12:25 PM] TheStyleAisle: KISS THIS CHEEK
[11:12:31 PM] dooze: ANY TIME
[11:12:34 PM] OhLookACat: and that voice (inlove)
[11:12:35 PM] Stove: (holidayspirit)
[11:12:38 PM] *** dooze SMOOCHES ***
[11:12:38 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:12:39 PM] TheStyleAisle: ok wow thank you Hosts!!!
almost 8 years
[11:10:28 PM] agus strider: Host's favorite
[11:10:28 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Wrote a good speech, OLAC while you pee!
[11:10:30 PM] rockgirlnikki: That iconic line tho
[11:10:36 PM] rockgirlnikki: And we were dying in jury chat
[11:10:44 PM] rockgirlnikki: (cwl)
[11:10:48 PM] agus strider: The favorite person of the hosts was a constant one ever since like week 3-4 tbh
[11:10:59 PM] agus strider: and well these awards are being given by myself but I'm sure zeezo would agree
[11:11:01 PM] sammy: thoughtfulolive!
[11:11:02 PM] dooze: That's cute
[11:11:03 PM] TheTigress: LMFAO
[11:11:12 PM] TheTigress: WELL LIKE... I'M PICKING BUT ZEEZO WOULD BACK ME..... YEAH......................
[11:11:13 PM] agus strider: To start with I'll give out the special mentions
[11:11:13 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Oh neat!
[11:11:16 PM] sammy: its Olive or Seplo
[11:11:24 PM] agus strider: Special mentions: ThoughtfulOlive, dooze, OhLookACat
[11:11:25 PM] Stove: (clap) (clap) (clap)
[11:11:28 PM] sammy: ooo
[11:11:29 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:11:30 PM] sammy: it's Seplo then
[11:11:32 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: <3
[11:11:32 PM] TheTigress: yaaaasssssssssssssss
[11:11:34 PM] TheStyleAisle: S E P L O
[11:11:35 PM] OhLookACat: MEOW :3
deletedalmost 8 years
you did sf good thetigress, congrats on f2!!! and congrats TSA for winning
almost 8 years
Congratulations TSA!
and everyone who was in the game for their hard work
almost 8 years
[11:05:47 PM] agus strider: [11:04:56 PM] agus strider: tsa won 5-1
[11:05:02 PM] ashes ♔: deserved
[11:05:37 PM] ashes ♔: tell him i said gj
[11:05:51 PM] TheTigress: this is so lit
[11:05:51 PM] rockgirlnikki: (party)
[11:05:52 PM] Stove: Great game everyone!!
[11:05:53 PM] TheTigress: lit
[11:05:59 PM] TheTigress: it's been real
[11:06:08 PM] OhLookACat: been a pleasure everyone <3
[11:06:15 PM] TheTigress: u all did great
[11:06:18 PM] rockgirlnikki: Good job TSA on your win, and good job Hayley on a close second. Both good games.
[11:06:25 PM] TheStyleAisle: Thank you guys so much it's been an incredibly treat getting to meet/play wit - shoves Seplo out of the chat h you all honestly it wouldn't have been the same without this cast and THANK YOU AGAIN.
[11:06:33 PM] Seplo: :O
[11:06:35 PM] TheTigress: OMFG
[11:06:43 PM] OhLookACat: omg
[11:06:45 PM] sammy: \o/
[11:06:58 PM] OhLookACat: LMAO
[11:07:03 PM] TheTigress: i feel like a proud mom
almost 8 years
[11:04:37 PM] agus strider: So yes, as you have figured out by now, TheStyleAisle is the winner of Sandbox Big Brother by a 5-1 Jury Vote, over TheTigress. Congratulations! Both of you played amazing games
[11:04:37 PM] dooze: Thank u for the pup thought. I can die happy.
[11:04:40 PM] dooze: TAASSSSSSSS
[11:04:43 PM] TheTigress: GREAT JOB WILLIAM
[11:04:44 PM] Stove: (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) CONGRATULATIONS (party) (party) (party) (party) (party) (party) (party) (party) (party) (party)
[11:04:45 PM] Ally: you both played so well, respect <3
[11:04:46 PM] sammy: Congratulations to both of you!
[11:04:46 PM] TheTigress: U DID IT
[11:04:48 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: No problemo
[11:04:50 PM] rockgirlnikki: OLAC, I just realized you like slimey animals. Weird fetish.
[11:04:51 PM] OhLookACat: congrats lad! <3
[11:04:53 PM] TheTigress: tysm <3
[11:04:53 PM] sammy: You both deserved to be here and both you deserved to win
[11:04:56 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Congrats, TSA!
[11:04:56 PM] Ally: William you're a brilliant player
[11:05:03 PM] TheStyleAisle: THANK YOU ALL <3 I'm so
[11:05:28 PM | Edited 11:05:40 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap) (yotfr) (snail) (clap) Congratulations TSA (clap) (yotfr) (snail) (clap)
[11:05:30 PM] OhLookACat: William is the best judge judy
[11:05:41 PM] dooze: In the words of jamalmarley "Deserving of a win"
almost 8 years
Congratulations TSA!
almost 8 years
[11:04:07 PM] agus strider: It's ThoughtfulOlive's turn to vote
[11:04:10 PM] sammy: Congratulations William!
[11:04:11 PM] TheStyleAisle: o
[11:04:13 PM] agus strider: ThoughtfulOlive: Cute responses, you guys. Unfortunately, there can't be two winners. If I had all the power in the world, I'd give all 16 contestants (myself included, duh!) the first place prize and a bunch of puppies to hug too. We all made this happen, and not just us! The hosts, the guests, EpicMafia. I could go on and on, but that would take forever. So many people and contributed to this moment. Thanks for making this happen. Anyways, I'm voting for who I believe deserves to win.
[11:04:20 PM] agus strider: ThoughtfulOlive: My vote is for...
[11:04:22 PM] TheTigress: PUPPIES!!!
[11:04:23 PM] OhLookACat: PUPPIES <3
[11:04:35 PM] agus strider: TheStyleAisle
[11:04:36 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:04:36 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
almost 8 years
[11:02:35 PM] TheTigress: BLAZE
[11:02:59 PM] Ally: wow that's longer than my embb one
[11:03:05 PM] OhLookACat: respect bruh
[11:03:27 PM] agus strider: killic33: My vote is for...
[11:03:32 PM] TheStyleAisle: good speech.
[11:03:43 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: I think I did my speech over a pee break
[11:03:50 PM] OhLookACat: oh no now i need to use the restroom
[11:03:51 PM] TheTigress: DO IT
[11:03:52 PM] TheTigress: I'M READY
[11:03:52 PM] OhLookACat: damn it olive
[11:03:55 PM] agus strider: TheStyleAisle
[11:03:56 PM] Stove: (clap)
[11:03:57 PM] rockgirlnikki: (clap)
[11:03:58 PM] Ally: YAY WILLIAM
[11:03:58 PM] sammy: (clap)
[11:04:01 PM] dooze: OOOOO
[11:04:03 PM] Seplo: (clap)
[11:04:06 PM] Ally: WILLIAM CONGRATS <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
almost 8 years
[11:02:11 PM] agus strider: It's killic33's turn to vote
[11:02:18 PM] Ally: poor bubbler
[11:02:19 PM] Ally: ;(
[11:02:24 PM] agus strider: you folks wanted a long speech? have at it
[11:02:25 PM] agus strider: killic33: Ho boy. First off, f*ck this week. Can we just skip to Monday? I can't think of anything else that's going to happen is worth mentioning or going through. Er, besides one of you winning, that is. I guess that's this week. Otherwise everything's been sh*t and I miss y'all.

Both of you played some sick games, though. Hayley had her (somewhat literal) blaze of glory wherein she forced her way to the top, and Style had his quiet, conniving casanova. I think they were both pretty decent plays, even if they did garner a bit of flack from a handful of people in the end.

I'm glad we've hit the end of this sh*t, though, and I'm even happier that we, the old 2012(?) F4 chat actually got talking again. Not to get too sappy, but I guess I'm also p-content with makin' pals out of the jurors, and another competitor or two. So uh - despite the abso-motherf*cking-lute shitshow this game and this week has been, it's been good. Ish. I hope you an' the rest of the jury had an okay, if not somewhat bearable time.