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SBBB Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft

about 8 years

The Hosts

SirAmelio, Zeezo, Stove, TennisBallBFDI2

The Cast


19 | | |

Howdy hi, I'm Trip! I'm full of bad jokes and haven't played a vivor-esque game since like 2014. I'm that one guy that overuses the (´·w·) face. I have bad taste and like dumb things, so feel free to insult me for them.


26| | |

Hey! Collokey here, but you can call me Collo. I'm 26, but what I lack in youth, I make up for with immaturity. I'm here to be middle of the pack, get stabbed in the back, and eat lots of snacks. Can't wait to awkwardly stare all of you down!


18 | | |

Hi! I hate myself more than all of you will hate me.


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Hi everyone! I'm Nikki, aka Penguin, aka Penguin God, aka Fluffy Penguin God. I've been part of the EpicMafia community for over 6 years now. I've played a few Big Brother/Survivor games in the past, but none quite like this one. I'm looking forward to meeting you all, and making some strong alliances.


24 | | |

I'm Ashes and I'm twenty-four. I'm a freelance novelist hoping to publish a novel one year when she has time. I also enjoy fresh air, nature, long walks on the beach.... Wrong profile, sorry. This is my first time participating in this sort of thing, and I hope I make some friends. Or not. How does this work again?


23 | | |

Howdy, y'all! I'm ThoughtfulOlive, but you can call me whatever you want. I love puppies, going out and having fun. The latter is actually what I'm here to do! So let's all do our best to have fun! :^)


15 | | |

Hello! I'm Sammy and I am an official member of the EpicMafia Big Brother household. I am fifteen years old and I enjoy interacting with people and creating friends. I am not afraid to speak my mind, even if it gains me enemies. I look forward to playing this game!


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Hello, Sandbox! I am TheStyleAisle, your dorky online pal born and raised in a Northern snowscaPE; A CHilly nation known begrudgingly as America's Hat (Trump's Toupee?). I describe myself as urBAN, A NAilbiting neurotic mess, and someone who tries to avoid seafood, holding young children, wrath and/OR ANGEr. Daily struggles include being asked to winK (I WIll creep you out), rolling terrible thirds like lynCHER, RYe bread, and constant homework. Let's all have lots of fun, be mature and no overdramatic crAP, PLEase! Oh also I really like vegetables so.


17 | | |

Oh look, it's me! My name is OhLookACat, but people around here tend to call me "OLAC" for short. I'm playing because have an ungodly amount of spare time on my hands along with a penchant for wasting it. I might as well have fun doing it! The last time I played a game like this I was quite the pussycat, but this time I'm going to give it everything I have. :)


20 | | |

hi! i'm Ally and i'm a huge fan of big brother and survivor. if you keep up with ORGs you might know me from EMBB4 in the vivor lobby, which i'm currently in. i'm excited to play an org in the lobby I consider home !! :')


15 | | |

hello my dudes. it's n1ed here ready to rock the bb house again after embb3!! most of you probably don't know me since I regular the survivor lobby, but i hope to bring some fun times and hopefully not get N1ed!! haha get it


24 | | |

hey what up I'm Hayley, I'm a fan of DnD (dogs n daddies), and also hockey. I'm gonna keep this short and sweet and simply say I'm STOKED to partake in this and hopefully there are some cute lil hunnies I can play this game alongside. good luck to everyone, thanks for reading, and plz swipe right I am very lonely


18 | | |

/me tips pizza. Hello everyone! I'm dooze, an 18 yo girl from the US. Although I've never seen BB before, I am crazy competitive and ready to play hard in order to win! As most of you know, I'm a mod here in sandbox. Watch out, I can be a bit loose with the ban hammer ;)


21 | | |

Hello everyone, my name is Gage. I love anyone who actually takes the time to read this introductions, and I thank you for reading mine! I hope you all enjoy watching me play, as I will definitely enjoy playing myself. Good luck to everyone else I'm competing against!


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Hey everyone, I'm Seplo and really excited to be apart of my first big brother. I'm a 22 year old student finishing my bachelors in education and international development and an avid supporter of the sandbox lobby. I love Fire Emblem, reading and coming across as an amateur when I'm writing blurbs. I'm looking forward to a great and hopefully not too short of a game.


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Hi, I’m Bane and I’m an alcoholic. I’m studied in politics and the art of war, both of which I studied at university and through which I learn through my network of rich powerful men. My hobbies include surprising people, not taking anything seriously, and playing epicmafia. I’ve recently taken up practicing Zen Buddhism and Runescape™. I’m not an alcoholic. I know how to make friends and influence people. You should be my friend because I fight for my friends.

Fantasy Draft

Will be explained in the first comment. There will be a $10 prize for the winner.

Who are you rooting for?
almost 8 years
Final participants points:

deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
rockgirlnikki 24
collokey 27
Seplo 22
Killic33 45
ThoughtfulOlive 38
TheTigress 48
TheStyleAisle 75
almost 8 years
Final Draft Update:

1. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 134 points
2. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 133 points
3. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 118 points
4. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 113 points
5. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 109 points
5. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 109 points
6. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 83 points
7.100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 61 points
9. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 60 points
8. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 53 points
10. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 49 points
11. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
12. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
13. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points.

Congratulations thoreau aka tricksterer for winning the draft!
almost 8 years
Participants points:

TheTigress 33
TheStyleAisle 44
ThoughtfulOlive 28

Eliminated participants points:

deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
rockgirlnikki 24
collokey 27
Seplo 22
Killic33 45
almost 8 years
Draft Update end of week 13:

1. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 94 points
2. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 93 points
3. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 88 points
4. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 87 points
4. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 87 points
5. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 83 points
6. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 78 points
7.100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 61 points
8. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 53 points
9. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 50 points
10. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 49 points
11. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
12. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
13. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points.
almost 8 years
Participant points:

TheTigress 33
TheStyleAisle 39
Killic33 40
ThoughtfulOlive 24


deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
rockgirlnikki 24
collokey 27
Seplo 22
almost 8 years
Draft Update end of week 12:

1. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 89 points
2. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 84 points
2. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 84 points
3. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 82 points
3. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 82 points
4. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 78 points
5. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 73 points
6. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 61 points
7. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 53 points
8. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 49 points
9. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 46 points
10. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
11. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
12. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points.

This week drafts with killic33 went the **** up with 11 extra points from his HoH + 5 weeks unnomed.
almost 8 years
Participant Points:

TheTigress 33
TheStyleAisle 38
Killic33 29
Seplo 17
ThoughtfulOlive 20

Eliminated Participants points:

deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
rockgirlnikki 24
collokey 27
almost 8 years
Draft Update end of week 11:

1. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 81 points
1. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 81 points
2. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 80 points
3. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 79 points
4. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 78 points
5. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 67 points
5. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 67 points
6. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 61 points
7. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 53 points
8. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 49 points
9. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 37 points
10. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
11. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
12. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points
almost 8 years
Participants points:

TheTigress 33
TheStyleAisle 33
Killic33 28
collokey 22
Seplo 11
ThoughtfulOlive 20


deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
rockgirlnikki 24
almost 8 years
Draft Update end of week 10:

1. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 80 points
2. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 77 points
3. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 76 points
4. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 74 points
5. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 71 points
6. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 66 points
7.100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 61 points
8. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 56 points
9. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 53 points
10. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 44 points
11. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
12. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 31 points
13. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
14. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points
deletedalmost 8 years

SirAmelio says

Rankings at the end of week 3:

1. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 27 points

SirAmelio says

Draft update:

11. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points

almost 8 years
Draft update:

1. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 70 points
2. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 65 points
3. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 64 points
4. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 63 points
5. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 62 points
6. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 61 points
7.100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 56 points
8. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 50 points
9. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 48 points
10. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 40 points
11. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
12. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
13. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 25 points
14. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points

Participants points:

TheTigress 27
TheStyleAisle 27
Killic33 27
rockgirlnikki 19
collokey 18
Seplo 11
ThoughtfulOlive 14

eliminated participants points:

deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
N1ed 15
almost 8 years
Draft update:

1. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 63 points
2. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 60 points
3. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 58 points
4. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 56 points
4. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 56 points
5. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 54 points
6. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 47 points
7. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 45 points
8. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 44 points
9. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 40 points
10. eatemuptigs(Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 29 points
11. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
12. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 24 points
13. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 23 points

Participants points:

TheTigress 26
TheStyleAisle 22
N1ed 10
Killic33 21
rockgirlnikki 18
collokey 18
Seplo 10
ThoughtfulOlive 13


deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
Ally 14
almost 8 years
Draft update:

1. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 54 points
2. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 52 points
3. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 49 points
4. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 48 points
4. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 48 points
5. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 47 points
6. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 44 points
7. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 42 points
8. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 41 points
9. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 37 points
10. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 29 points
11. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 27 points
12. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 21 points
13. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 19 points

Participants points:

TheTigress 16
TheStyleAisle 21
N1ed 10
Killic33 20
Ally 9
rockgirlnikki 17
collokey 17
Seplo 9
ThoughtfulOlive 12


deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11
sammy 7
almost 8 years
finally something goes right for my draft
almost 8 years
Rankings at the end of Week 6:

1. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 47 points
2. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 45 points
2. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 45 points
3. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 41 points
4. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 38 points
4. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 38 points
4. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 38 points
5. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 37 points
6. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 34 points
6. Alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 34 points
6. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 34 points
7. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 25 points
8. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 20 points
9. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 15 points

Participants points:

TheTigress 15
sammy 5
TheStyleAisle 15
N1ed 9
Killic33 14
Ally 5
rockgirlnikki 16
collokey 16
Seplo 9
ThoughtfulOlive 11


deandean 7
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
OhLookACat 11

this week brings an unexpected boost for the several teams that had deandean, as he got +5 points for the HoH because of the twist!
almost 8 years
For winning a Reward Challenge, rockgirlnikki will receive an extra draft point this week.
almost 8 years
good choice i will not let u down
deletedalmost 8 years
i vote dooze to win
almost 8 years

harodihg says

who wants my vote to win?

almost 8 years
tfw your draft only places first when you can't have it >.>
deletedalmost 8 years
who wants my vote to win?
almost 8 years
Rankings at the end of Week 5:

1. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 43 points
2. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 42 points
3. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 37 points
4. JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 36 points
5. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 35 points
6. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 34 points
7. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 31 points
7. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 31 points
8.karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 30 points
8. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 30 points
9. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 28 points
10. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 22 points
11. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 18 points
12. SirPerior (Ally, deandean, BaneofMafia) 9 points

Participants Points:

TheTigress 15
sammy 4
TheStyleAisle 14
N1ed 9
Killic33 9
Ally 4
rockgirlnikki 14
collokey 15
Seplo 8
OhLookACat 9
ThoughtfulOlive 10


deandean 2
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
dooze 9
almost 8 years
Rankings at the end of Week 4

1. Sansa (ashes, dooze, collokey, Sports123492) 29 points
2. eatemuptigs (Sports123492, Sports123492, BaneofMafia, N1ed) 27 points
3. 100GOD (N1ed, rockgirlnikki, deandean, N1ed) 26 points
3. tillie (N1ed, dooze, killic33, Ally) 26 points
3. Picante (ashes, OhLookACat, collokey, TheStyleAisle) 26 points
4. karthikbk (Sports123492, sammy, rockgirlnikki, Ally) 23 points
5. qrstuv (deandean, TheTigress, dooze, killic33) 21 points
6. alexroberts (Seplo, TheStyleAisle, ashes, sammy) 20 points
7. Voice (rockgirlnikki, BaneofMafia, ThoughtfulOlive, TheTigress) 19 points
7. ObitoSigma (sammy, OhLookACat, dooze) 19 points
8.JacobV (sammy, TheStyleAisle, BaneofMafia, TheTigress) 15 points
9. thoreau (Ally, ThoughtfulOlive, deandean, TheStyleAisle) 13 points
10. JohnBatman (ThoughtfulOlive, Seplo) 11 points
11. SirPerior (Ally, deandean) 8 points

Participants points

TheTigress 4
sammy 4
TheStyleAisle 4
N1ed 8
Killic33 8
Ally 3
dooze 7
rockgirlnikki 8
collokey 9
Seplo 7
OhLookACat 8
ThoughtfulOlive 4


deandean 2
BaneofMafia 3
Sports123492 8
ashes 5
deletedalmost 8 years
It's nice seeing me on top of the rankings one last time before i begin my very disappointing plummet.