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The EPIC Quest \O/!

over 8 years


I've just found out that we're unable to see the complete list of whoever signed the petition. So atm i'm unable to add you all to the quest.

If you signed the petition but you're not added yet please PM me and i'll add you.

You can join anytime since it's not finished!! Have fun :)

Previous events:

The EPIC Quest is starting soon!!

  • First day of quest will be a regular day with no particular actions so you'll be able to understand how the quest works.

  • An action is taken every day. The most upvoted post/action gets selected. You can also add graphics/custom drawings to your message so it may be added into the story.

  • Only listed players will be able to post (to avoid trolls and blacklisted players or anybody else who said it was crap) so please sign the petition/post a message to get involved.

  • You will be sometimes advised to play a song/video during the story. If you wanna get the whole stuff i recommend you playing these tunes on the suggested moment.

I hope you will have fun everybody :)

about 8 years
Dear friends,
This has been a tough battle, but i'm back :)
Coming soon ya know :3
deletedover 8 years
When will epicsides come back from the war? ;-;
over 8 years

EpicSides says

It's not dead

over 8 years

EpicSides says


I want my money back
over 8 years
I'll be able to play now that I can see , I just thought this died ^-^'' Keep doing the Lord's work Epic <3
over 8 years
It's not dead, i just had...irl issues ^^'


- I thought i could handle a daily rythm, but the storyline makes it more difficult to write within 24hours (i'd say every 3 days/once a week)

- The next step of the story is already written, but i'm waiting more players to be involved before continuing it (we're +20 players, only 5-6 only are playing atm)

- Expect the next step to come this weekend (friday or saturday) GUARANTEED ;)

Cheers y'all!!
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
its...dead :O
over 8 years
over 8 years
I like your ideas guys :)
The most upvoted one gets selected!!
The next step starts tomorrow!!
over 8 years
Run down to the director and say that u were late from school cause in the first u saw a strange looking person that u didn't see well who entered the room and u heard them talking but u didn't know what were they saying then u saw him knocking the secretary but didn't see it well wasn't able to see details then u were trying to find him so u ran up and then got down back :Doge:
and yea if she sees u again claim that she saw u when U were spying and claim her memory is flashy and say u were spying for sake of her safety
over 8 years
Kill mass villagers until your clockmaker watch resets to an ideal time. ;)
deletedover 8 years
become a fugitive
over 8 years
yes run into the next country
over 8 years
Aw cmon guys!!

I love funny stuff but remember that he has to go in class and do his regular life, or he risks to be chased by lots of people and may quit everything to become a that really what you want? :3

You decide anyway!!
Next action on Tuesday night!!
over 8 years

OikawaTooru says

fakechest says

run. run and never stop running.

actual music:
over 8 years

fakechest says

run. run and never stop running.
over 8 years
Go into the first classroom you see that just so happens to be the correct class and yell "Sorry I'm late!" Then sit next to a hot girl and forget about what happened because Cynthia lost her memory from your Batista Bomb.
over 8 years
run. run and never stop running.
deletedover 8 years
Barge into a random classroom and say: "Sorry I'm late!"

then proceed to sit in a random empty seat that is coincidentally next to a hot girl with huge knockers :P
deletedover 8 years
You get your luchador mash from your locker and become a masked vigilante, using your wrestling moves to defeat the corrupt school higher ups
over 8 years
have an existential crisis
over 8 years
[Changing Song]Play this:

You have reached the first floor, a hallway with plenty of random classes around. In your run you can hear a loud voice from downstairs. The only words you understand are "FIND YOU" and "PAY".

Some teachers stopped their classes and go downstairs to help. Time is running out. You quickly understand that you better not stay around...or you will be REKT.

You're in the classroom hallway. Few people are around waiting for their class, and some teachers are running downstairs to help the knocked girl. The few people around are hearing about the event and starting to talk about it.

It's a matter of time before they turn their head and see you, meaning you will be considered as the PRIME SUSPECT.

You start to sweat and stress. Time keeps going and you're still not in class and you just knocked out the new secretary while the director swore to hunt the culprit 'til punishment.

You quickly look at your Clockmakerâ„¢ Watch.
The time is: 9.30AM...

over 8 years
[Change Song]Play me while reading:
You whisper some words...
"I have to do it. For the World Heavyweight Championship..."

"What?!" says the newbie secretary.

...suddenly you rush at her, and decide to BATISTA BOMB THE B*TCH OUT OF HER DESK!!

And that's a SUCCESS!! BOOM!!
The secretary is brutally thrown to the ground and knocked out. You're not sure why you did this but DAMN that felt so good!!

"Sh*t!! She didn't gave me the information needed. Guess i'll have to seek by myself..."

You go through the highschool trying to find your class.

Meanwhile, Uchiyamada, the highschool director, comes by the reception and finds the cute girl knocked out...


The director tries to wake up the receptionist and calls for help. Then he starts yelling with rage:

over 8 years

Mac says

Run up to the receptionist and bautista bomb her in order to pin her for the world heavyweight wrestling championship belt

Play me while reading:

After an intense rush you manage to arrive to your school. But you have no idea of which class you're in...

...and you're late as f*ck!! Your clock shows 9.15AM.

--> You decide to run to the school's reception to get some information... see someone in the reception. It's a gorgeous girl with big perks named Cynthia (it's written on her shirt).

Woah, she's so hot!!

"Umm....excuse me girl!! Where's my classroom at please?"

"And...what's your name kid?"

"Stone. Nathan Stone."
"You're late Nathan..."
"Hehe yeah i know...i was...kinda lost in town you know..."
"Lost? But don't you live here?"

Damn. That girl is clever.

You gotta escape more questions...