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over 8 years

greetings epicmafia community,


I think it's time that we the people, in order to form a more perfect union, organize an official list of Golbamaniacs and non-malarks. Being a Golbamaniac transcends families and reIationships, and is about allegiance to a cause than any single cult of personality.

What is a Golbamaniac?

A Golbamaniac is a person who fights for blind justice, factual accuracy and cringy memes on a java mafia simulator. Every Golbamaniac has a different view of how to achieve these ideals, but the important part is coming together and discussing it like civilized people.

Golbamaniacs don't discriminate between new player or old, noavi or uncropper, weeb or troll, SJW or /v/agabond. A Golbamaniac fights for all users' rights, even if like half of the groups I listed are primarily made up of obnoxious people.

How do I become a Golbamaniac?

Simply believe in these ideals and PM me or post in this thread. If you would prefer that I don't reveal your name as a Golbamaniac, please tell me that in PM.

Official Golbamaniac Setups

WARNING: Do not use this setup ever. It is a bad setup and the creator is most likely some kind of sadomasochist who hates humankind. Side effects from playing this setup may include (but are not limited to): nausea, headaches, anxiety, reckless behavior, skin rashes, swelling, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and implosive diarrhea.

Golbultima 12-person:

List of Golbamaniacs


























about 7 years
what are you gonna do when golbamania runs wild on you
over 7 years
ur moms a golbamaniac hahahahaha
over 8 years
"Golbamaniacs don't discriminate between new player or old, noavi or uncropper, weeb or troll, SJW or /v/agabond."

I'm gonna have to stop you right there
over 8 years
im allied with golbomaniacs so err
over 8 years

Bebop says

Golbolco says

I request that one of the great artists of Sandbox create a logo, emblem or other form of art to represent Golbamania and the Golbamaniacs. If someone were to donate their expertise to the cause it would be much appreciated, thank you.

maybe if u hadn't changed me to cliqueamaniac i'd be more inclined to help

I bet the Clique did that.
over 8 years

Golbolco says

I request that one of the great artists of Sandbox create a logo, emblem or other form of art to represent Golbamania and the Golbamaniacs. If someone were to donate their expertise to the cause it would be much appreciated, thank you.

maybe if u hadn't changed me to cliqueamaniac i'd be more inclined to help
over 8 years
I request that one of the great artists of Sandbox create a logo, emblem or other form of art to represent Golbamania and the Golbamaniacs. If someone were to donate their expertise to the cause it would be much appreciated, thank you.
deletedover 8 years
i am one of these, I use ak-47's and dictatorship to get my point across
deletedover 8 years
May I be the Golbamaniac mascot?!
over 8 years
actually 1000 is enough
over 8 years
Amelio has informed me that one must have 1500 points to join a family. Through a series of scientific experiments and carefully-calculated philosophical debates I have come to a conclusion: this website is garbage.
over 8 years
The official Golbamaniacs family is now live, but I guess you can only send one invite at a time. Will Fred pull through?
over 8 years
im a golbumaniac
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
You merely adopted Golbamania.
I was born in it, molded by it.
over 8 years
Families can only invite up to 15 users. This is why I didn't make a family.
deletedover 8 years


wewewew I wonder what type of golbamaniac I'll be :O
over 8 years
me. me
over 8 years
Introducing the title of Golbapanda! Should you have a panda bear avatar you may apply for this title.
deletedover 8 years
Hi my name is Fred and I'm applying to become a Golbamaniac. The current and most modern version of the Golbultima was named after me so i think that's enough.
over 8 years
Hello is this the place where I repeatedly bash my head in the walls until all my pain goes away?
over 8 years
Take me as your apprentice, my master.
over 8 years

Golbolco says

UltraAug didn't even post the whole thing. Sad.

you don't deserve it
over 8 years
I thought we were going to play Black Ops 3 or some sh*t ...

over 8 years
UltraAug didn't even post the whole thing. Sad.