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Sandbox Autonomy

about 8 years

Greetings Epicmafia community,

I've spoken to Cody and we've come to the conclusion that it'd be beneficial to both the site mods and Sandbox if Sandbox is given a bit more independence. We will now be able to (within reason) moderate the lobby as we see fit, which is a good thing as it allows us to suit the rules more to Sandbox itself. For example I'm sure you all saw the user Sanctity when they were around, everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble, recently Sanctity was banned for being abc, ban evading yet again. Had this independence been given to us sooner, we would have been able to ban Sanctity from Sandbox much earlier, but now we can prevent future cases like this, and generally have more say over what happens in Sandbox than before.

Another welcome change is that Sandbox moderators will now be able to moderate reports that happen in Sandbox. If you report someone through Sandbox lobby so that it has the little tag "in Sandbox" on, or if you explicitly state in your report that it was in Sandbox (you may need to message Sandbox mods if you do it like this, as it won't show up in Sandbox reports that way) myself and the Sandbox mod team will comment a verdict on the report and site mods will handle the punishment assuming that there is one. Site mods have been notified of this change, so it's effective immediately.

If you have any queries about this, you may PM them to me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

This is a _____
Good thing
Bad thing
about 8 years

about 8 years

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

there wasn't any proof

yet you say if sandbox was independent, you would have handed down a ban much faster. this isn't adding up. sandbox is not main. you can ban who you want.

sandbox is one of the primary lobbies and not a custom lobby, overseen by the site mods so we had to uphold the same standards they do, but with more autonomy we can decide for ourselves

see heres my point

you're MORE inclined to ban people than site mods

this is more control not less
about 8 years
no this isnt a good thing at all

site mods only handle community violations, which means they don't meddle in how games are played or anything, and they don't delete as many posts as I've seen lobby mods deleting and they've never deleted entire forums like lobby mods have done about 3 times now

this isnt about getting site mods out of sandbox its about moderating sandbox for things site mods already ignore
about 8 years
there are 2 kinds of lobbies ever since the invention of custom lobbies and those are Main and not Main. Sandbox is obviously not main.
about 8 years

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

there wasn't any proof

yet you say if sandbox was independent, you would have handed down a ban much faster. this isn't adding up. sandbox is not main. you can ban who you want.

It's pretty obvious lately that any action we do that is deemed wrong or not thought through is immediately noticed, and with that comes the ability that anyone can go and complain to lucid or another admin about the state of how this lobby is run. So yes, we've been playing by the book because of how fragile ownership has been within the last year. We can't ban whoever we want, because consequences exist, and that still applies. This is just so we are given more freedom within the lobby we are running. This doesn't mean we can do whatever we want, it just means that we don't have to be so cautious with every decision we make.
about 8 years

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

there wasn't any proof

yet you say if sandbox was independent, you would have handed down a ban much faster. this isn't adding up. sandbox is not main. you can ban who you want.

sandbox is one of the primary lobbies and not a custom lobby, overseen by the site mods so we had to uphold the same standards they do, but with more autonomy we can decide for ourselves
about 8 years

Bebop says

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

there wasn't any proof

yet you say if sandbox was independent, you would have handed down a ban much faster. this isn't adding up. sandbox is not main. you can ban who you want.
deletedabout 8 years
reddit tier
about 8 years

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

and regardless there was no substantial evidence to prove whether or not it was abc. I honestly believed it to be abc as well (at least until they said they were doing arcbell's secret alt thing) but without evidence we couldn't just ban random users because of a hunch. However, with this autonomy we'll be able to do things, like apprehending those who we and the community believe to be banned users, without the kind of concrete evidence we felt we needed before.
about 8 years

Hood says

this actually makes a lot of sense bc before sandbox owner/mods didn't really have any power they'd have to report a rule breaker and wait til a site mod came down with a verdict just like any other user, otherwise the person just could've went to the admin/site mods and complain until they were unbanned which i'm pretty sure has happened many times before

about 8 years
this actually makes a lot of sense bc before sandbox owner/mods didn't really have any power they'd have to report a rule breaker and wait til a site mod came down with a verdict just like any other user, otherwise the person just could've went to the admin/site mods and complain until they were unbanned which i'm pretty sure has happened many times before
about 8 years

sl0nderman says

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

there wasn't any proof
about 8 years
Release Equity.
about 8 years

Bebop says

sanctity didn't break any rules

Bebop says

everybody knew that they were a banned user and all they did was cause trouble,

about 8 years
This made me really happy..
We're finally free ;_;
about 8 years
the judgement remains the same, but the punishment just comes quicker

where is the option for no more mods?
about 8 years
sanctity didn't break any rules, and it's not going to make us any more strict
about 8 years
regardless i think this is okay, like PeePee said, its still possible to appeal to main mods if anything.
deletedabout 8 years
This will just make Sandbox more strict.
about 8 years

sl0nderman says

there was nothing stopping you from banning sanctity in the first place lmao

about 8 years
there was nothing stopping you from banning sanctity in the first place lmao
deletedabout 8 years
so where's the "lets make n1ed a mod" clause in there
deletedabout 8 years
This is a good thing. While it may not be #SEXIT, the collar of main control has been loosened.

Plus, if you are mod abused, Bebop can still be called upon, and you can still appeal through site mods.

This is a great day for Sandbox, and therefore, the world.
deletedabout 8 years
Greetings to you too.
about 8 years