about 9 years

My cousin is really really hot. I have wanted to bang her for a few months now but i feel disgusted with myself that she is related to me so this is a huge dilemma for me. I have been with other girls and she has been with other guys so it wouldn't be the first for either of us. I always get excited when she gives me the seductive smile. When she touches me (not in a sexual way) i even then get a boner and try hard to hide it. Her buttocks are just so damn hot. Recently she has been flirting with me and one afternoon she got dressed in front of me and didn't even ask me to look away!!!!!!!

She is 18 and I am 22. Should i go for it?

about 9 years
going to lock this now because its over
about 9 years

James007Bond says

its over i banged her, we had drink and i went to kiss her first she pushed me away then gave a sexy smile and kissed me back, one thing lead to another and BANG. it felt really good and yeah i felt a bit bad after but she is 18 so she knows what she is doing

about 9 years
will u?, i had a real dilemma here
deletedabout 9 years
Will you ever stop posting
about 9 years
its over i banged her, we had drink and i went to kiss her first she pushed me away then gave a sexy smile and kissed me back, one thing lead to another and BANG. it felt really good and yeah i felt a bit bad after but she is 18 so she knows what she is doing
about 9 years
top kek
deletedabout 9 years
just lol
deletedabout 9 years
So you come to epicmafia for help...
about 9 years

James007Bond says

i want to bang her right now, i can't help it she is just so hot. it's the devil's temptation. i change my mind im going to bang her but i'll be high and tipsy then that will be my excuse for committing a mistake

about 9 years
is this thread satire
about 9 years

TheeCake says

belovedprincess says

Women aren't God's gift to men.

i know rite? a lot of them seem to cause a lot of trouble nowadays

That is because God is angry at us.
about 9 years

belovedprincess says

Women aren't God's gift to men.

i know rite? a lot of them seem to cause a lot of trouble nowadays
deletedabout 9 years
I mean I don't mind.
deletedabout 9 years
... lol.
deletedabout 9 years
Really I wanted to tell OP to stop posting, but I went down the beaten track and told you instead, Vyse, lol.

Sometimes talking to people it feels like talking to my dog though. I don't agree with what you say, more so I agree with you.
deletedabout 9 years
Why the sudden change of heart? First you agree with what I say, then you take a full turn.
deletedabout 9 years
Vyse, I told you to stop posting bro. And I did point it out. The consistency is there.
deletedabout 9 years
Then point it out or just leave it be. I mean, you really can't be mad at someone for something that you're letting go on. Atleast, that's what I do.
deletedabout 9 years
Basically I get mad at people for things they're probably never going to be aware of about themselves.
deletedabout 9 years

ScarletWolf says

Vyse says

Good luck finding someone who hasn't been with other guys. x.x

Me =/

That's good o.o ^^
deletedabout 9 years
Well foxie, maybe you could be a bit more specific rather than me having to go back through absolutely everything I've said and trying to tie it all up in a bow for you =p
about 9 years
i can't pinpoint any consistency in anything you say sirius
deletedabout 9 years
I mean it's Islamic 72 virgins sh, women as without any purpose but to be man's plaything. This is the male insanity I'm talking about. Find a bit of actual humanity please.
deletedabout 9 years

TheeCake says

used goods.

The male predilection towards virgins is tantamount to wishing oneself a special little snowflake and is basically disturbed. Pull your head out of your arse. Women aren't God's gift to men.
about 9 years

Vyse says

Good luck finding someone who hasn't been with other guys. x.x

Me =/