deletedover 10 years

Hi we used to have a thread that mozerella started where everyone posted vocaroos of themselves doing the Accent Challenge but it got deleted so I think we should revive it

you just make a vocaroo of yourself answering these questions, I changed them from the last time because there's no point doing the same one twice

**Your name and username:

Where are you from?

Favourite EpicMafia role?

Pronounce the following words: Cthulhu, Vitamin, Aluminium, Privacy, Schedule, Ate, Garage, Water, Mobile, Advertisement, Herb, Pecan, Crayon, Lawyer, Pajamas

Name the first 5 EpicMafia users that come to mind:

What would you call a sale of unwanted items on your porch, in your yard, etc

Do you speak a second language?

End the audio by saying any 3 words you want.**

ok here's mine:

over 10 years
over 10 years

dad says

You need a better mic
over 10 years
deletedover 10 years

UH this is the sandbox version which is significantly longer but whatev
deletedover 10 years
repping africa ayye, i sound like a nub (don't judge, its the 2am blues)
over 10 years

Piney says

pagesxx says kinda bummed that i dont have an accent. piney yours kicks though

Rofl you have an accent to everyone who isn't American! And yeah no I don't really like mine lol.

hahah i love your accent man!!!! i feel like americans just dont have accents though. idk
deletedover 10 years

pagesxx says kinda bummed that i dont have an accent. piney yours kicks though

Rofl you have an accent to everyone who isn't American! And yeah no I don't really like mine lol.
over 10 years

b0oty says i did itomg

omg yours change my life forever...idk if i will ever be able to see the world like i used to.
over 10 years
over 10 years

Millsapistheman says

I did it. Here ya gooo

over 10 years
I did it. Here ya gooo
deletedover 10 years
i wanted to do this kinda zzzzzzz
over 10 years kinda bummed that i dont have an accent. piney yours kicks though
over 10 years
deletedover 10 years

Piney says

Seraphinite says

I have a sore throat so sorry guys, but here you go!

How the heck did you say aluminium lel.


I'm American lol
over 10 years
over 10 years
over 10 years
omg i was listening to happy's challenge with headphone and then listened to tiarna's. GG my ears are gone forever
over 10 years
deletedover 10 years

jackattack123 says

soda17 says

why not

f yeah got a mention

over 10 years
cus I'm bored may aswell
deletedover 10 years

soda17 says

why not

Not gonna lie, I did not see that coming at all.
over 10 years
You sound high
over 10 years

soda17 says

why not

f yeah got a mention
over 10 years