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Emoticon List?

over 10 years

I'm pretty new around here, and it has come to my attention that there are some really awesome emotes. Why is there no list in the wiki? I'd love to be able to use some without begging people to tell me how lol

almost 6 years
Mods should add some new emotes in the game!

Who agrees?
almost 6 years
:nano: is amazing. Thank you thank you.
almost 6 years
almost 6 years

and in sandbox there is
over 7 years
click the box to remove emoji's
over 7 years
over 8 years
:datboi: :shrekt:
:pingu: :fp:
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
:monkey: = Monkey [main only]
deletedalmost 9 years

wuerdgirl says

:link: = guy punching

Sandbox only
deletedalmost 9 years
:link: = guy punching
deletedalmost 9 years
:quiggle: = frog
deletedalmost 9 years
Easter Egg type thingys:
%NAME = Icon (case sensitive)
/me [insert text] = Gray Text

:squirtle: = squirtle [sandbox only]
:rotate: = hamster spinning [sandbox only]
:penguin: = dancing penguin (cooler in sandbox)
:annajane: =penguin dancing in circles (main)
:cow: = dancing cow
:charley: =dancing bunny
:pepe: = Pepe
:dance: = Pepe Dance

Undertale Lobby Emojis
:snas: = Sans
:mtt: = Mettaton
:pap: = Papyrus
:burg: = ?
:flow: = Flower
:tori: = ?
:snas: = Sans
:mtt: = Mettaton
:chara: = Chara
:tem: = ?
:fish: = Undyne fish
:frank: = Frisk Frank
about 9 years
over 9 years
add middle finger emoji please
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
rotate is a sandbox custom emote

and I'm pretty sure that the brown wolf got replaced with the wolfy wolf

over 9 years
over 9 years
Is :rotate: not on the list?

Also, comparing the list to the picture, whatever emote between ghost and bunny in the picture is missing from the list.
over 9 years
over 9 years
add :snake:
almost 10 years

ediz12 says

Zhuorb says

Bring back :itg:

It's :fp: now

that doesn't solve our problem
almost 10 years

Zhuorb says

Bring back :itg:

It's :fp: now
almost 10 years
Bring back :itg:
almost 10 years
:boar: is by far the best emoticon