Coco's Epic setup.

A Balanced play between Killer, Jailer and Mafia.

Go Killer!
deletedover 14 years
Town sided, but it can be fun
deletedover 14 years
It's too village sided.
deletedalmost 14 years
completely broken now. never to be comped again.
about 12 years
people no. stop playing this setup. it's not interesting at all. there are other setups that have agent/spy fights :/
about 11 years
probably one of my favorite setups
about 11 years
Does anybody know if it would go unranked if spy&killer killed each other on N1?
almost 11 years
I can verify that it goes unranked and ends immediately if Spy and Killer both kill eachother n1. Doesn't make much sense how they both kill eachother, but it can happen.
almost 11 years
Oh it happened to me! I noavi-killed and the noavi HKed. Unranked
deletedover 10 years
One of the worst setups in existence where mafia/killer can lose n1 d1 and d2. Way too mafia sided and is a point farm.
deletedover 10 years
This set up is actual garbage. Town wins every single game if Jailer doesn't die N1. *** set.
over 10 years
Tell that to my the 51% Sammy
deletedover 10 years
"Town wins every single game if Jailer doesn't die N1."
over 10 years
its the new reverse mafia
over 10 years
Well, nice setup.
over 10 years
this setup is my favorite setup.
over 10 years
Interestingly, it does NOT go unranked if scum kill each other after N1.
deletedover 10 years
town doesn't get points but it still counts on your pie etc, (so i stopped playing this set up ranked since it lowers my win rate)
over 10 years
Stop nk'ing agent claim with both scum alive as jailer, it's anti-town!
about 10 years

An example of why you don't nk with both scum alive, and this was the 1/3 where it really was agent. More often than not, it'd go even worse than this.
deletedabout 10 years
+1000 :D
about 10 years
I am in love with this O...o
deletedabout 10 years
To settle the issue once and for all: yes it goes unranked if spy and killer hit each other n1 (past n1, it stays ranked), but it takes a heart from you anyway and counts as a loss on your pie. However, you can file a report and a mod will refund the game without hesitation.
about 10 years another reason not to nk agent claims, one day people will learn... actually probably not...
about 10 years
Auto for mafia ends up as win for town:

Probably the longest Coco D1 ever:
deletedabout 10 years
Ace01 is a betrayer, just so you know.