Who Watches the Watcher?

If town is dumb, probably no one.
about 11 years
Plussed for ranked testing
about 11 years
42/57 after 88 plays seems really odd - This will balance out with more plays. If not, getting rid of the miller would probably help balance it out.
deletedabout 11 years
orc reveals one maf and watcher watches other gg no re setup broken : (
deletedalmost 11 years
it is so sad when u jan the watcher and u still lose D:
deletedalmost 11 years
Comped by me on 22 June 2014.
deletedover 10 years
townsided garbage tbh, honestly imho.
deletedover 10 years
yeah, this is a pretty terrible setup
over 10 years
Waah this setup sucks, but I'm going to spend hours a day playing all of my hearts on it, clearly because it is so incredibly terrible.
over 10 years
A risky but potential strat is to NK night 1, often players will give out PR reads when they NL, the more people talk the easier to find PR reads. If some1 is afk aswell they are likely blue.
over 10 years
This was 51% mafia, but town seems to have the edge now.
about 10 years
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY
almost 10 years
man this got super townsided.
deletedalmost 10 years
Terrible setup
about 9 years
Bad setup for competitive but fast/fun
over 8 years
This setup is egregiously townsided.

Play this one instead: https://epicmafia.com/setup/1368200
over 8 years
This is probably more balanced: https://epicmafia.com/setup/1375221