Voltron Doesn't Like It

163 and DLYV suck. This set up is amazing. As is KatieB82.
about 12 years
prob the best setup on EM imo
deletedabout 12 years
Volty is so hard to please, just like the orc :|
over 11 years
this should be the new classic
over 11 years
This is actually pretty good. Gets people to learn how to actually scumhunt.
about 11 years
This setup needs to be played more often.
almost 11 years
best setup NA
almost 11 years
Where are the guns?
almost 10 years
This is the single best setup on EM. It forces people to interact and not just input lynches/no lynches based on statistics like an automaton. A+
almost 10 years
This is statistically the most balanced setup of all time and has been for a while
over 9 years
Really good fun setup.
deletedover 9 years
Finally comped again.
over 9 years
50-50 after 14,270

i am impressed on all sides.
over 9 years
49% Mafia and 50% Town? Where's the other 1%?
deletedabout 9 years
vedarshi 51mon 10d
48% + 51 % = 99%
about 9 years
EM: 49%+50%=100%

dat math
almost 9 years
1% goes to the Ghost Third Party Role, this role is always an AI that has a 1% of "spooking the town" and winning. You'll know the Ghost has won when the game glitches, votes stop working and you are forced to suicide.
almost 9 years
Wrong - 1% goes to those numerous times people forced meteor in comp because they are losers
almost 9 years
this setup=amazing
over 8 years
i keep flipping maf as miller and so they townread my scumreads and scumread my townreads when they all turn out to be right
over 8 years
eh minimal prs but good
about 8 years
legit this is the setup i play if i want to make my pie worse
deletedover 7 years
lacey 62mon 29d +1
there's a reason he doesn't like it
deletedalmost 7 years
lacey 10mon 24d +4
lacey 62mon 29d +1
there's a reason he doesn't like it
deletedover 6 years
spiritualized 17d 1h +1
lacey 10mon 24d +4
lacey 62mon 29d +1
there's a reason he doesn't like it
over 6 years
This one is nice