Paranoid Pandemonium

This setup is meant to start scumhunting DAY ONE. The point of this setup is to figure out WHAT ROLES DIED by getting claims, CCing, etc. It is not like the other Mortician setups that are based on luck. This setup is based on skill. Trying to get around the graveyard dilemma--or--if you are mafia then taking advantage of it. I spent 2 hours doing calculations to make It balance. I then tested it unranked and ranked the whole night and next day. I have had really positive feedback from it so far. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SOME STRATEGIES***: If a mafia is about to be lynched, ASK FOR KILLER TO WHISPER YOU!!!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!! That way, you can coordinate kills. Don't tell the killer the identity of your partner (in case a town person fakes killer), but just tell the killer who to target at night.) mason should claim D1 and not tracker (you do not know if BG is dead). Stalker could stalk same person mafia kills so he can fake that role. Disguiser should disguise as mason D2 and lead other masons to lynch a town--------------------------------------------------------- ***INTERESTING DISCOVERIES***: Even when mafia/killer have majority, they do not know it yet due to the graveyard. So the game is not over yet. A lot of the strategy depends on what happens day1. The setup is not a random guessing game but there are many different strategies. Many ways for village to go about. Many ways for Mafia to stay alive. Killer is EPIC in this setup and can play both sides off each other, but unfortunately the killer is on a losing streak right now, so I'm trying to post Killer strategies.
over 14 years
After many games of this, I've come to the conclusion that this is actually a really good setup. It's fun to have no idea what's going on. I was mason'd n1, then 3 people died in the night but I was still alive day two... turns we mismasoned on the killer, but bg saved me and killed the killer.
about 14 years
Killer has almost no chance, as usual. I will probably play this on my alt, where win % doesn't matter, because it is enjoyable, but not one for running with.
deletedabout 14 years

Seriously. This game is epic.

Mafia, tracker die n1.
Me (maf) kills mort and guises out.
Masons mason me and mismason
BG saves one of the masons
Killer kills maf (me)
Turns into a glitch.

And town is mindfucked.
deletedabout 14 years
this game had really interesting resutls both times i played it
about 14 years
Why will no one play this? It's epic :o
about 14 years
>Killer has almost no chance, as usual< 18% lol
about 14 years
I won the one game of this that I played as killer. I mean, the mafia tried to kill me night one and night two and the bodyguard saved me and killed mafia night one and night two, but i digress.
deletedabout 14 years
That bg was me. ;D
almost 12 years
Horrible setup. Not just saying it because I lost--it's awful for Competitive.
deletedabout 11 years
I think you're saying that because you lost.
over 10 years
It's definitely fun, but I remain firm in my belief that this setup is unfit for Competitive gameplay.
about 10 years
is he still trying to post killer strategies?
about 10 years
I thought setups with 3rd parties weren't permitted in comp anyway?
over 9 years
Why do we keep putting 120 point payout setups into comp .-.
deletedover 9 years
Ok. This should not be comp tbh. I have never seen third party in comp.
deletedover 9 years
third party in comp? will be ineteresting