So town sided and i find it hilarious mafia have a higher win rate. Even if you lose bg and cop n1 and n2 town should be able to scumhunt enough to have at least a 60/40 ratio.
deletedover 14 years
Ben, stop whining about every setup. It's getting annoying. Just don't play these setups then.
There's a strategy for mafia i can try when i'm mafia but as i said it's town sided most of the time. Still it's not as town sided as the other setup i commented on. I have a right to give my opinion on what i think is town sided or not too btw so don't complain biatch.
This setup is entirely mafia sided if played competently.
Consider: If bodyguard or cop dies D1, it is mafia sided. If villager dies D1, mafia cc's cop. It is now a balanced 50/50 of if town believes the real cop or the fake one.
So, 40% of the time, mafia sided, 60% of the time, 50/50.
The only reason that this only has a 50% mafia win rate is that a number of mafia do not cc cop when a villager dies N1.
Jag, I believe if you have competent players it's actually even if PR dies n1. I have won twice cc'ing cop (which seems the best thing to do in this setup) as mafia. It's all scumhunting basically, and anyone good at it can make this fairly even.
How did Jaguar get two gold trophies if he thinks maf cc'ing cop is maf sided? Sure it makes town have to actually scumhunt (which they should be doing), but that's the fucking point of EM. What's with these scrubs thinking every setup needs an uncc'd clear to lead for town to have a chance?
deletedover 14 years
Mafia: if cop dies n1, just keep NKing and stalking until you find bg or until town decides to lynch. Once you find the bg, kill him, or just keep NKing at mylo if you think the bg will lead poorly.
Actually, I didn't read your comment. Nevermind. But autowins can be generated inpractically any game - the chance of a bg save is relatively low, also.