  • If ever killed then voting will be completely disabled the following day.
  • Being lynched will have no effect.
  • Guns and other items or actions preformed during the day will still work.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Courtroom played 479 times
Speech is Golden played 162 times
deletedover 7 years
I really feel like this should be a maf role
over 8 years
Should also disable voting if lynched.
over 9 years
Wait how does the day end if no one can vote?!?
deletedover 9 years
If it was a mafia role, that would actually work.
deletedabout 10 years
isnt this just a leader with no voting instead of anon voting
about 10 years
negative virgin
about 10 years
Best strat for this role might be just to ask to be lynched or shot by town.
about 10 years
It cant be a potential clear, it has no way of proving itself.
deletedover 10 years
this role should be a different colour, because it kind of looks like a maf role
over 10 years
Negative utility role. Mafia actively benefits from it being in the game; could balance a too townsided setup.
deletedover 10 years
Plus this can be used to balance setups more accurately compared to the lk which 90% of the time the game turns into an inconvenient spam fest usually resulting in a nl.
deletedover 10 years
It all depends on the setup. I see this role as a potential clear that needs to either stay hidden or kept safe, similar to the lightkeeper, leader and civilian.
over 10 years
Bad examples. Hunter can still benefit town (taking a maf with them) and lightkeeper doesn't make it literally impossible to pull off a lynch. In most situations, this would give mafia an extra kill for free. Not every town role has to benefit town of course, but with leader and lightkeeper at least town can pull something off if they're not already screwed.
over 10 years
@Logan yes just like when maf kills lk or town lynches hunter.
deletedover 10 years
I don't get the point of this role though, wouldn't it be more beneficial for the mafia, of anything?