  • Appears as blue to self.
  • Appears as mafia to cops.
  • Appears as self on death.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

More Basic Variant (MBV) played 843 times
over 7 years
The suspect would be a better role if it appeared to visit the mafia/fool's target instead of appearing as mafia to cops.
about 8 years
Lol suspect is a 6'2 black man in a blue hoodie
about 8 years
i didnt even downvote it and it says i downvoted it
about 8 years
over 8 years
lol why is this -90
about 10 years
password is provisions
over 10 years
Why is this so hated it is just a miller that reveals at death
over 10 years
this should be maf sided
about 11 years
trayvon martin got what he deserved
over 11 years
I missed when he was black.
over 11 years
Why is miller allowed in Training when suspect isn't? Miller is arguably just a more complicated Suspect...
over 11 years
it's miller but appears as self, when lynched... that's why it's good for town
over 11 years
The only reason I approve of this role is because it adds a proper equivalent to godfather (miller appears as mafia on lynch but godfather doesn't appear as villager on death).
over 11 years
over 11 years
He should've probably had a green hoodie, oh well.
over 11 years
So.... just miller?
over 11 years
over 11 years
Hell, Miller is much better because it promotes scumhunting; eg checking if there's any scumreads on a lynched guilty after death. Suspect eliminates any of that in favor of more bland, easier play.
over 11 years
Sorry Riddler, but even in competitive play this is really bland. It's only going to be used for classic mafia setups and that's it. There's not much else to it that Miller can't do better.
over 11 years
Are you making this role in honor of Treyvon?
over 11 years
Miller that doesn't flip nilla. Bad role.
over 11 years
miller ? ? this is miller please delete it
over 11 years
oh lol it's sandbox players complaining

this is a competitive role you underlings
over 11 years
Just a miller, basically. zzzzz
over 11 years
plz we dont want this role