Here's your next clue: Your next clue can be found on my newest alt's profile page, what's my alt's name you may ask, well it's simple, just name the event that can occur on 4/19, 4/20 or 4/21 and keep in mind the theme of the scavenger hunt.
role is bugged for me (Browser: Opera) when I cry something out I cant turn crying off anymore ... so I cant write messages unanonymously and when Im suspected for lurking I have no other choice as to out my Identity :(
quoted from original description: "Leader for town, can be great for some setups with or without whispers, especially in setups with no protective role or with no reveals."
We'll see if it will get used and change something. I don't think it will get used much, I actually hope for a few setups that will be used sometimes as competitive, I don't think this is useable for sandbox/training.
You don't get the point. Gray is supposed to lead to in setups with NO protective role, so it's best for him to get hidden and still be uncced.
deletedover 13 years
but if you can only send it to all people than why dont you just say it all it does is create a clear that has 2 ways of speaking
deletedover 13 years
It's different from Spy/Agent/Vent. It's all to make Gray ultimate clear. I thought about having some counte-role would be awsome, but I've realised it's best to him remain the only and true undoubtable clear, which is point of the role itself, because he's to use his power to lead to town and not clear self (use in no protective roles setups).
I said a while ago that I liked the name town crier but now I think I prefer the name Gray. . Something to consider is should the messages be distinguishable from spy/agent messages. If identical then it could make games more interesting but forfeits the 100% clearness of the role.
Do the anonymous messages appear in the same way that agent/spy's do, ie if only blues left, could spy send a message to all blues claiming to be towncrier/grey?
deletedover 13 years
Hey, it's getting implemented! Thanks all guys, may the best icon win. (created 18 days ago, what success)
Actually, that's the point of Gray! 100% clear person that can command some PR's and lynches. It is obviously great for various types of setups and I think this could be really useable, especially since this role has many usages that depends upon the setups and some of them just can't be done by any role now. And it might actually even work in reversed setups!!!
I don't like that it's an instantly unccable role for the mafia, all town crier has to do is say, "Hey, I'm about to broadcast this message," and then do it....but I guess that's inevitable.
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of it with snipers/deputies, but, I think it would be a fun role in setups with whispers but no protective roles, or in setups with a vent. Plussed.
deletedover 13 years
I always imaginated it would be usable for Sniper+Deputy no reveal no whisper setup. Something like 2 villagers, deputy, sheriff, gray, snoop - guiser, sniper, saboteur. Day start, I suck at creating setups, but saboteur that can't kill, isn't at night meeting and can target maf would be great.