Town Crier
  • Can send anonymous messages that appear during day phases.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Cry n... oh played 6,110 times
Cry n' Spy played 5,450 times
Epicmafia Roulette played 119 times
Last Stand played 101 times
about 13 years
This is how actual Leader role supposed to work.
about 13 years
Good role. I like the name Town Crier.
about 13 years
Hmmm, maybe an a blue man wearing blue robe that is enveloped around it's body with a radio on it's one hand while his other hand is slipped on a pocket would make a good imagery for icon
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
Thanks for all those suggestions. I've picked 2 so far.
about 13 years
Damn, Shred is right. There's a maf-sided Informant role. I only checked town-sided names. Other suggestions: Adviser, watchdog, herald.
about 13 years
Whisperer. Messanger can do good
about 13 years
Informant already exists. Messenger or Town Crier
deletedabout 13 years
Informant sounds good, will use it. Thanks
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
The thing is, AGENT and LEADER are already taken by another role, so unuseable, else I'd probably already came with it, but apart from that sounds good.
about 13 years
Name it like......... Double Agent.
deletedabout 13 years
I thought about something like Mysterious man, but that sounds lame. Maybe Stealty/Sneaky guy.

Then I thought if I can somehow manage to something with him being anonymous, but couldn't find a proper word.

My personal favorite is G-Man, but that won't happen.
about 13 years
I'm a fan of original roles, I like it. However, the name is the only thing holding this back. Otherwise it's plussed.
about 13 years
very nice, only problem is the name. Everything else sound good!
about 13 years
This role is surprisingly, refreshingly, awesome (and useful). I don't know about the name, but I certainly love everything else. +plussed of course.