  • When killed, resets everyone's roles to what it was at the beginning of the game
  • Sided with the village
over 6 years
tbh I wasn't even looking for a bird's nest.

now I'm curious though...
about 7 years

Good Work, you found the Bird's Nest!

Here's your next clue:
Your next clue is hanging with some famous people, you'll find it all set up in the one that would win survivor
over 7 years
when butterfly gets lynched and sniper shot his gun the sniper gets his gun back with another bullet.op
over 7 years
useless in sandbox cuz usually no cult or zombies
about 8 years
Does butterfly death reset Alien probes?
about 8 years
This should not be used in the official sandbox setup. Will have a 1/10 chance of being used.
about 8 years
Let's just draw some lines and call it a butterfly
about 8 years
That looks like a shellfish to me.
over 8 years
thats an ant
deletedover 8 years
The icon is an ant. =|
deletedover 8 years
are you guys sure its a butterfly? the icon shows something else
over 8 years
The icon looks like some corn that hasn't been husked yet, with a little mask on it.
over 8 years
over 8 years
I thought butterflies were supposed to be the one insect humans aren't afraid of.
deletedover 8 years
what demon is this icon
over 8 years
what if when someone try to convert it just die?
over 8 years
you thought monkey was op wait til you see this
over 8 years
as far as i know it only resets conversions so

yak, cult, mimic, amn, mason, zombie, admirer, mistletoe
over 8 years
op af
over 8 years
If I'm not wrong, roles that affect Butterfly:

governor, ghoul, enchantress, creepy girl, bulletproof, sheriff, deputy, caroler, bleeder, party host, treestump, angel, lover, cupid, prophet, sniper, illusionist, paralyzer, arsonist.

Also converted people get back to their real roles, including mimic, yakked, culted, amnesiac.

And 3rd-party win conditions are also reset, like monk after save must save 2 more times, anarchist has to blow more people, clockmaker is at 9 o'clock, etc.

Not sure if targets are randomized, like lyncher target, angel target, etc.

It's how I understand this role without testing anything.
over 8 years
make it 3p
over 8 years
That's op asf