Party Host
  • Throws a wild party once a game.
  • Everyone who is alive will be invited.
  • Everyone will be sharing a night meeting.
  • All night actions and such go on as per normal.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

mist played 554 times
party host farm played 116 times
over 13 years
Would be funny if everybody who went to the all-night party fell asleep during the next day. xD
over 13 years
over 13 years
over 13 years
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
this changes everything
almost 14 years
yes, needs more +k
almost 14 years
No, people would only see their normal meetings. Maf would vote to kill, Doc choose who they save, Blues sit there and chat idly.
deletedalmost 14 years
So there anonymous meetings off to the side that everyone can see?
almost 14 years
I like it.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
It only happens once in a game, and everyone's invited. The party host is a nice welcoming person. :D
almost 14 years
village meetings during the day, AND at night.

anyone who doesn't go to the party at night will look scummy or is a foreveralone looooooseerrrr
almost 14 years
This is pretty cool. A nice sandbox role.
almost 14 years
This is the best role I have ever seen
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
It would depend on the setup, you could have it as no whispers, to give maf three periods of no communitcation (day party day), or have whispers and make the maf take chances of leaking and such.
almost 14 years
make it no whispers for chaos:3
almost 14 years
Love it. Could be fun for many of the setups
almost 14 years
And mafia will HAVE to whisper for a majority vote. Not to mention, cop has to whisper stuff as well.
almost 14 years
>make night a town zone --- My boy... This is brilliant!
almost 14 years
But then, maf will just pick a random person to kill by voting, other groups will just do whatever they do... just seems odd to me. Still +k, though, because I'd like to see how it works in practice.
almost 14 years
It means they can't communicate strategies, so mafia can't tell their partners what they need to do. And I reckon there would be something in red at the top announcing it's a party, so mafia don't start talking thinking they're alone, only to be surprised.
almost 14 years
Good to see some positive reception. :)
almost 14 years
like now this is amazing