

Hello there, everyone! Firstly, I feel the need to emphasize that my name has absolutely NOTHING to do with the show going by the same name. This username was created a long, long time ago with no influence from that show in any way, shape, or form. So don't associate me with it -_-

Anyway, it certainly has been awhile since I was involved in epicmafia. Don't blame me for not knowing... well, whatever sorts of new things have been introduced in the past year.

On another note, I have a tendency to despise people who won't listen to what I believe is common sense. However, my mind has trouble accepting the fact that what I define as common sense might not be the same as whatever anyone else believes is common and proper thinking or behavior.

I'm still getting used to newer things, but I should be able to learn rather quickly. On that note, I wish anyone reading this the best of luck!

deletedover 13 years
lmfao, thanks, you too, did you see that game where I caught the guiser, who guised into my cop parter? I got lots of +k for that :p
deletedover 13 years
you are the first person who ever +k'd mee. aha <3
over 13 years
Thanks for helping me out and friending me!
over 13 years
I can now officially comment
over 13 years
+ked :)
over 13 years
over 13 years
+k for giving me +k :)
over 13 years
+k for our good cop
over 13 years
sorry my instincts are on a failing spree lately :(
over 13 years
over 13 years
+k for protown fool :)
almost 14 years
+k for getting your ass killed N1.
almost 14 years
I owe you a +k for copying me.