
Report #233,890

Report Details

closedover 7 yearsfor Game 6273234
Harassment and hateful comments. Made Holocaust jokes.
over 7 years
You couldn't just stop with your hateful comments in game but had to bring it here. looking at the game Levski wasn't clearly happy with your joke. If it was just an attack towards him I would ask him to personally report it but your "jokes" were offensive in general
over 7 years
Everyone knew I was joking with Levski, he told he hated when he was compared to Jews and he would rather take any offensive phrasings, than being called Jews. He has the name of a Bulgargian hero and I joked with him because Levski sounds Jewish-Polish name. I am borderline Jewish myself. This report is sucked out of finger. P.S I hope you die with AIDS Nightwing. At the age of 22.