
Report #124,336

Report Details

closedabout 10 years
claimed pr as blue and never retracted, leaving me (the real pr) to lead lynch on him rather than the mafia.
about 10 years
Regardless of any other circumstances, the fact of the matter is that by cc'ing, you destroyed an otherwise auto win scenario. Yes, the other mafia did cc me, but if you hadn't cc'ed pr then we would've certainly won, as the other mafia would have been the ONLY other cc to me. By cc'ing as blue, you threw auto win.
about 10 years
irrelevant. you were cc'd by mafia the previous day. he even cc'd you right away and you ignored it thereby sealing your fate. it was the end for you.
about 10 years
Irrelevant. You cc'ing pr lost us the game, in an auto win scenario. That counts as GT however you cut it.
about 10 years
and yet you were cc'd by mafia the previous day. he even cc'd you right away and you ignored it thereby sealing your fate. it was the end for you.
about 10 years
Freebzie (the other mafia) never pushed me, so I thought he was hypoing. You, on the other hand, actively pushed me as blue;

"get louis first"
"I'm pr"
"eleven is fake"

The other members of the town clearly believed that Risk was actually cc'ing as well:

Poppenboomer: "risk is maf", "risk is confirmed maf"
about 10 years
You were cc'd by mafia the previous day.