

admins gonna admin: https://epicmafia.com/report/124336 there is something really wrong with the way you ruled on this game. You can clearly see the mafia claiming pr on day 2 however the real pr puposefully ignores him and obssesses unnaturally on my cc claim. Now i can understand his point about if i had claimed blue then i would have had the hammer on the last day (and i would have hammered on him anyway and lost the game btw) but there is a purpose and function for my pr claim. It was an attempt to trick the mafia as to the true identity of the pr and to hopefully coerce him into in an action that may have triggered the power role's abilitty by accidently hitting him since he would make an attempt to avoid hitting Risk. That is well within the right of all players to attempt to do it's called wifom play. The guitly was already confirmed by the cop's death so it made absolutely no sense for the PR to reveal his role RIGHT AWAY on that day and when he was cc'd by mafia that lead me to believe he fished the PR role. If you look at the game you can see eleven claiming pr straight away when the guilty was already confirmed can you explain to me how that made any sense? You took what I did by claiming PR and perverted it into something that it is not which is what you call gamethrow. This is wrong.

https://epicmafia.com/game/3697167/reviewK ill on sight list: Packidy. Swatted. stuyultimate paste = 100% fake always.

echoes = slowroll maf = 100% scum. Also d1 emotes.


19 / 20Super Sleuth!
15 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
9 / 20Do No Harm
4 / 25Explosion!
4 / 20He's Batman
about 10 years
best game as maf team ever