

We are a bunch of mates and bogans friendly community of Australian and New Zealander players.

Mainly about us

  1. Get to top 5 families
  2. Win at least 5 gold trophies
  3. Reach 200 kudos
  4. Recruit more kiwis players
  5. Never report fellow Aussies/Kiwis players unless they are really noob
  6. We strongly believe in the value of mateship.

Things we do not like

  1. Dislike being mistaken for Brits when abroad.

  2. It's Aluminium not Aluminum

Many EM players here can't really tell the difference between us, Brits and Americans.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Believe you should look out for your mates.
  • Brits: Believe that you should look out for those people who belong to your club.
  • Americans: Believe that people should look out for and take care of themselves.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Are extremely patriotic about their beer.
  • Brits: Do not sing at all but prefer a large brass band to perform the anthem.
  • Americans: Are flag-waving, anthem-singing, and obsessively patriotic to the point of blindness.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Waffle on about how some of their past citizens were once outlaw Brits or pommies, but none of that matters after several beers.
  • Brits: Are justifiably proud of the accomplishments of their past citizens.
  • Americans: Are justifiably proud of the accomplishments of their present citizens.

And yes we all love vegemite.


Allies Guiser Gang, EpicMafia Revolution

almost 8 years
Can I join? I'm NSW ;)
almost 8 years
Aye make sure you attend dawn service tmr.
almost 8 years
ayy it's our day tmr
almost 8 years
Guys I promise I will update our family next week I've been really busy lately.
almost 8 years
umm i think you like sit in silence for a minute to remember
deletedalmost 8 years
Heck, what the heck, I've never had an ANZAC assembly ever, what do you even do at it?
deletedalmost 8 years
BarGriz, would you like to make an alliance with Guiser Gang. We are also allies with skyknights of EM, Lung Disease, Hope Squad, and Outliers, so if you ally with us, you ally with them. Do you accept?
almost 8 years
i'm in sydney but i don't do the whole 'IRL meetup' thing
almost 8 years
re-add markus :D
almost 8 years
anyone in sydney and wanna do an IRL meetup with some other EM people?
almost 8 years
i'm a terrible person asdfghjkl my school had the anzac assembly and during the minute of silence i just broke into uncontrollable laughter, not my fault
almost 8 years
I'm on holiday, i'll get everything sorted when im back.
deletedalmost 8 years
i am from aus can i join?
almost 8 years
yea jim is fob not bogan
almost 8 years
what if im not bogan
deletedalmost 8 years
ayooo account has been unlocked
about 8 years
Yeah Zara I kinda accept Kiwis and Aussies only
about 8 years
is being in Australia all the requirements u need to be in this cute fam?
about 8 years
hi, thanks for adding me into this family!
deletedabout 8 years
Hey guys, sorry I haven't really been active much, got a lot of lectures to go to and haven't really been playing much EM, you can kick me if you like.
about 8 years
Lets give my fam 14 more karma :D
about 8 years
Is Markus gone for good?
about 8 years
Welcome lailai :D
about 8 years
I think markus forgot that to be able to delete your account you cant have any violations lol
about 8 years
Can my alt NCRUW be added <3 Im kiwi <3