

We are a bunch of mates and bogans friendly community of Australian and New Zealander players.

Mainly about us

  1. Get to top 5 families
  2. Win at least 5 gold trophies
  3. Reach 200 kudos
  4. Recruit more kiwis players
  5. Never report fellow Aussies/Kiwis players unless they are really noob
  6. We strongly believe in the value of mateship.

Things we do not like

  1. Dislike being mistaken for Brits when abroad.

  2. It's Aluminium not Aluminum

Many EM players here can't really tell the difference between us, Brits and Americans.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Believe you should look out for your mates.
  • Brits: Believe that you should look out for those people who belong to your club.
  • Americans: Believe that people should look out for and take care of themselves.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Are extremely patriotic about their beer.
  • Brits: Do not sing at all but prefer a large brass band to perform the anthem.
  • Americans: Are flag-waving, anthem-singing, and obsessively patriotic to the point of blindness.

  • Ozzies/Kiwis: Waffle on about how some of their past citizens were once outlaw Brits or pommies, but none of that matters after several beers.
  • Brits: Are justifiably proud of the accomplishments of their past citizens.
  • Americans: Are justifiably proud of the accomplishments of their present citizens.

And yes we all love vegemite.


Allies Guiser Gang, EpicMafia Revolution

over 8 years
Dw I got 200th kudos. All me
over 8 years
I'll not be playing for a while, feel free to kick from family. See you, thanks for all the games
over 8 years
1 more kudo
over 8 years
Sad to hear about the earthquake in NZ, please take care and stay safe! Truly beautiful country and people. <3
deletedover 8 years
And were on the hill so while everyone was marching to high ground I was sleeping peacefully
deletedover 8 years
We're fine, bit of damage around, our area was one of the only places that still had power which was a bonus. Aftershocks are annoying tho
deletedover 8 years
all nzers algood? i literally moved back from wellington to auckland last night so missed the action hahah but my flatmates in wellington were terrified
over 8 years
RIP New Zealand
"You guys are disgusting" lel
over 8 years
hi lol
over 8 years
Happy Birthday Dorzel have a blast and enjoy your day!
over 8 years
over 8 years
That last bit didn't gramatically make sense :D
over 8 years
:P it thouoght it was the other way around. If nz ppl move to australia they arent guaranteed permanent resident but when they move to nz (ppl from australia) they r :p

Btw whod you kick?
over 8 years
@Markus, Jasminep11, MattBaz I feel like Australia is now a kiwis infested country. Can you take them back? ;)
over 8 years
Can we like do a family round karma where everyone karmas everyone in the same fam :D
deletedover 8 years
hi i want to join this family please
over 8 years
Okay I restate what i said. vegemite and marmite are good with butter :p
over 8 years
Vegemite is great
over 8 years
That grammatically didn't make sense
over 8 years
I cant say im THAT fond of it :P marmite still half makes me cringe :p its that not the texture but yknow...
over 8 years
Can we all agree that vegemite is one of the best inventions ever
over 8 years
YAY Piney you joined us.
deletedover 8 years
Well as I pushed the family over 1 mill I'm waiting for my prize
over 8 years
Bar can u invite piney hes agreed to join :D
over 8 years
:p i just randomly found someone from new zealand out of my 350 friends list :p