The Faceless Knights


This is the story of how a random group of people became a group of friends and more, a family.

>> One day of 2015 — it was March 10th, to be precise — a user who hadn't been here for long decided to create a family with this mission in mind: "We're here to bring equilibrium to all that suffered an unbalance and make sure that what is already in harmony stays that way."

That user was not a simple player of EM, but a visionary who wanted to restore PEACE ON EM (yes, a real dreamer). He even got to be a mod and a mentor, but eventually had to leave the website for reasons unknown as of now. << GuyFawkes85

The Faceless Knights is our name, and we are here to accomplish that mission, and to be the #1 family, in honour of our founder: JonSnow


Motto: We win united or lose divided!

The north remembers: Lucy, RedVelvet, Jordies, cfcforlife101, AdBlock, schutzekatze, Lukageo, EileenShiau, Body, Rae, Ominoire, PonyLove, Evance90, THeLiViNGLaND, Sincerely, mindful, MafiaGod

Family Goals:

  • Reach 300K points ✔
  • Reach 500k points ✔
  • Reach 1 million points ✔
  • Reach 1.5 million points ✔
  • Reach 2 million points ✔
  • Reach 2.5 million points ✔
  • Reach 3 million points
  • Reach 500 Karma ✔
  • Reach 1000 Karma ✔
  • Reach 1500 Karma ✔
  • Reach 2000 Karma ✔
  • Maybe win a trophy someday, who knows. ✔
  • Have fun while playing games together! ✔

  • Become one of the Highest ruling families! ✔
  • Become one of the Most decorated families! ✔
  • Get to top 3 families! ✔
  • Be family #1! ✔

Allies: Sweet Dreams; Outliers; SilentOops

almost 9 years
I like how over half of all the members have faces in their icons
almost 9 years
it might be to early but I rly want to join this fam plsss :)
almost 9 years
2 trophies at once ow yeah!
almost 9 years
Sure! But I can't decide alone
almost 9 years
can i join
almost 9 years
I'm alive :)
almost 9 years
Is there people alive here?
almost 9 years
I think with only one gs, toreador would not want use his ability
almost 9 years
@Lalchi that setups doesn't seem bad (maybe 2 gs can be too much, only that), upvoted :)
almost 9 years
Be back soon, Cloud!
almost 9 years
Happy birthday dzanek!!! :)
almost 9 years

If you can help with + on it :) ; and why not comment it ;)
almost 9 years
Leaving for now, gl everyone
almost 9 years
No, Jon has to update it :)
deletedabout 9 years
You missed a trophy in the trophy case ._.
about 9 years
Félicitations petit poney!!! :)
about 9 years
Thank you :)
deletedabout 9 years
congrats pony!!!!!
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years

about 9 years
Thanks Guy, I'm gonna try for gold, and we shall see what happens :)
about 9 years
Best of luck to PonyLove for the end of this round, she's in for a great rush that will hopefully bring home a trophy... BRING HOME A GOLD, PONY!!! :)
about 9 years
Woah, I'm kinda late but happy anniversary! I'm proud of you guys and the goals you've accomplished (0 w 0)
about 9 years
Hello, and thanks for the greetings.
about 9 years
Dat Nova filler :p