

We play the game with Zeal. This family is mostly a family of friends & people who enjoy playing together. We do require you to be somewhat experienced at mafia however. If you want to join you need to have three current members recommend you, and you can't be "hated" by one of our current members, we don't want in-family drama.

Also we like bronze trophies, if you couldn't tell. Silvers are okay, too.

Family Goals:

  1. Reach 500 k points

  2. Get 10 bronze trophies

  3. Friendship!

Official Zeal Forum:


> http://www.epicmafia.com/forum/lobby/29


Family wars

LOTUS surrendered after 24 hours.

Kawaii sucks is no longer even on the highest ruling leaderboard

War on Vivid Faggotry is currently being waged

over 12 years
sigh 3/5 today
over 12 years
i was lol. I think flytech was the same way though lol.
over 12 years
:> I am 5/5 for competitive today and i was 5/5 Yesterday. :P Too bad i did shit all the other days.
over 12 years
oh my godd katttt lol i can see u trembling behind your screen.
over 12 years
no run scared me. WHen you didnt die and she pointed that out i was sure we lost. YOu should read the gy lol
over 12 years
lmao katt scared ya there in tht 3 way ;) but we won. he was obv maf...
over 12 years
you guys keep saying help me and people are gonna think you're throwing. I'll be the nest cheating thread and all of you will be in! On the plus side though THANKS FOR CARRYING ME! :D
over 12 years
Katt dont worry, i told u i would help u win these games. Tht was big one
over 12 years
Loooooooooooooool player. it took me all of day 2 to realize you were confirmed mafia.
over 12 years
asdkjfhsdfjkskjskjk I cant even play a game damn it
deletedover 12 years
You'll be fine, Katt.
deletedover 12 years
well the top few are choking, and kidpoker is kinda too, who could have sniped a trophy.
over 12 years
im choking :( 2/4 so far
deletedover 12 years
Cold, Crazy Woman O.o lmao
over 12 years
I was wifoming rondar. *Katt reveals a gun and shoots Rondar* dead I win
over 12 years
don't forget your spatula!
deletedover 12 years
Wow Monster... you realize, both of you, that this means war?
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
Monster for pres 2012!
deletedover 12 years
A crayon would destroy a spatula, you better just forfeit with the spatula to save yourself embarrassment.
over 12 years
your spatula aint got shit on my crayon.
deletedover 12 years
over 12 years
:V *Memorizes all names*
over 12 years
team zeal going strong! para learn your family members lol. I thought you were guised!
over 12 years
plussed it to ten already :)