
Memphis, TN

Been Forever, since I've been on!! Im trying to come on as much as possible!! Cant believe I've been on this site for over 6 years now!!

over 13 years
plussed it three times, lol
over 13 years
Wait, I mighta been in 6... Was that the season with the chance for the jury to return? Or did that one get interrupted and remade with new cast? :o
over 13 years
Oh NVM, I was just in season 4. I only remember season 5 because I took the place of someone during a continued game and made funny comments. :)
over 13 years
Which seasons were I in? O.o
over 13 years
+K for winning survivor (And epic final 2 xD)
over 13 years
Lemme know when you're doing another survivor, it was a lot of fun. I would do big bro to but I don't have time right now.
over 13 years
Will you remake survivor with same people and start up from where we left off?
over 13 years
i was deff. spectating i didnt join in time. my internet screwed up
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
+k because I remember you winning that huge sandbox game as scum, hahaha
over 13 years
+k for hosting the first of many Jaylen23 survivors!
over 13 years
Kirby ftw, +k
over 13 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/report/3988 - Punishing you for trolling here. I am letting you off easy on this one. You also fake-claimed and suicided because no one listened to you. Do not do this again. Consider this a warning.
deletedover 13 years
That was such bad play that if I didn't know better I'd call you a troll. You owe town a huge apology.
over 13 years
How's it going dad?
deletedover 13 years
+ kd , (:
over 13 years
Clear your cache
Switch to a diff browser; chrome seems to be the best for EM.
over 13 years
For me it was a browser issue, try using a different one (chrome seems to work for me) :)
over 13 years
Trying clearing your cookies when you go to Player tab and edit.
over 13 years
Hi! :) I saw your post. You have a game JUST like the show? So... constant rigging and DR manipulation? :/
Porsche or Kalia FTW. Adam would be the worst winner ever. Also, it's pathetic that Shelly and her family are receiving death threats after the cat ladies' precious Jeff got evicted.