
Very inactive lol
married to 
part of  family

Recently came back to the game. Can't change my bio due to the nostalgia of all the games I used to play. Pretty much just play main lobby now cuz I somehow find mafia fun lol. If you wanna friend me, go ahead, I'm a pretty nice person lmao

Hey I'm blade12344. Been on this site since Feb 2011.

I'm fairly inactive, which is a shame but it's because I'm mostly a survivor lobby player and me being British means I'm not very good at keeping up with the American times as the games always last until like 5am (Heck, lately they've all been games that I have to do all nighters just to frigging play! Haha!)

On the subject of mafia, I think I'm fairly good. I like being able to read into things and make assumptions so I enjoy the game quite a bit and so have gained a bit of a skill for it. If you +K tell me why and maybe I'll friend you if you're lucky ;)

Some games I've hosted:


Survivor: Series 1 winner: Armendp

Survivor: Series 2 winner: Surfman

Survivor: Series 3 winner: Jaylen23 (Runner up: xKandy)

Survivor: Series 4 winner: sunslicer2 (Runner up: Lavaworks303)

Survivor: Series 5 winner: haille199 (Runner up: Downlink)

Survivor: Series 6 winner: skullzkkz (Runner up: EverClear)

Survivor: Series 7 winner: Downlink (Runner up: headphonegut)

Survivor: Series 8 winner: Jaylen23 (Runner up: Downlink)

Survivor: Series 9 winner: pendulous (Runner up: PhyrWindo)

Survivor: Series 10 winner: Sunslicer2 (Runner up: Hyperro2)

Survivor: Series 11 winner: Spoderman (Runner up: P3D0PH1L3S)

Survivor: Series 12 winner: metalfox (Runner up: hudsonboy111)

Survivor: Series 13 winner: soda17 (Runner up: Anxiety)

Survivor: Series 14 winner: weavilton (Runner up: HighSpace)

Survivor: Series 15 winner: NickiJ (Runner up: Darkcloud1232)

Survivor: Series 16 winner: xKandy (Runner up: soda17) However, soda 17 won 3 challenges in a row! Kudos for that!

Special 'Vivor

Special 'Vivor: Series 1 winner: UniqueDoll (Runner up: BroStrider)

Special 'Vivor: Series 2 winnner: haille199 (Runner up: eFallon)

Special 'Vivor: Series 3 winner: Y2jLV (Runner up: skullzkkz)

Special 'Vivor: Series 4 winner: Y2jLV (Runner up: Downlink)

Special 'Vivor: Series 5 winner: Downlink (Runner up: Y2jLV)

Special 'Vivor: Series 6 winner: Siicinaa (Runner up: Y2jLV)

Special 'Vivor: Series 7 winner: Hedger (Runner up: Skullzkkz)

Special 'Vivor: Series 8 winner: metalfox (Runner up: Arbor)


Tribevivor Series 1 winner: Anxiety (Runner up: victor7)

The Amazing Race

The Amazing Race 1 (Co-Hosted by P3D0PH1L3S) winner: jambecca Runner up: xKandy

The Amazing Race 2 (Hosted by NickiJ. Co-hosted by me.) winner: soda17 Runner up: HighSpace

The Amazing Race 3 (Hosted by xTheScorpYoN. Co-hosted by me.) Winner: Nami runner up: Hydriodite

Big Brother

Big Brother Series 1 winner: Downlink (Runner up: OrangeShovel)

Big Brother Series 2 winner: hedger (Runner up: CaptainTroll)

Big Brother Series 3 winner: xKandy (Runner up: godofdarkness)

Big Brother Series 4 winner: xKandy (Runner up: potledom)

Big Brother Series 5 winner: the99 (Runner up: Jaylen23)

Big Brother Series 6 winner: UniqueDoll (Runner up: Downlink)

Big Brother Series 7 winner: Aydemirr (Runner up: Kelly999)

Big Brother Series 8 winner: xKandy (Runner up: LuvsDrama)

Big Brother Series 9 winner: Voice (Runner up: HighSpace)

Big Brother Series 10 winner: HighSpace (Runner up: Link)

Big Brother Series 11 winner: Volt (Runner up: NickiJ)

Big Brother Series 12 winner: dapower (Runner up: LinkToDanger)




over 11 years
will u go to the prom with me
over 11 years
if you could choose between a cake or a pie, which would you choose?
over 11 years
is it still christmas in england
Yes. It's always christmas in England.
over 11 years
What is your favourite skittle flavour?
Orange! Or green...


3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
2 / 20He's Batman
1 / 20Lucky Kiss!
1 / 25Explosion!
deletedabout 12 years
I made the change you requested
about 12 years
heyy this is spider from the tumblr site xD when do you wanna play? also +k :3
about 12 years
Aha, it's fine:3 We haven't really played a Vivor is ages together. Go on moar:L
about 12 years
<3. I am a winner.
about 12 years
I got this.. Um.. Selena Golmez? xD
about 12 years
Also, I knew the first artist was The Beatles. I just wasn't sure you were taking it seriously. The Beatles ftw <3
about 12 years
THE SECOND ARTIST IS SELENA GOMEZ. God, I don't even like her. Also. You forget that everything in this planet is invisible, and I have a pair of invisible laser eyes. *shoots lasers out of eyes, cutting the ropes typing me* Hah! Now...back to the chocolate...
about 12 years
about 12 years
you haven't replied to me in 8 days :'( *sniffle sniffle* LOL! jk jk how is youz? :)
about 12 years
Rated up your setups and +k'ed you to 69k!
about 12 years
You cheat! You said you would help me find the chocolate, not keep it for yourself...! And I heard that! Now, all I have to do is...touch everything to find the chocolate. Or maybe just steal yours... >:D
deletedabout 12 years
Hey I'm blade biatches :')
about 12 years
I don't believe you. And what's that thing around your lips? that chocolate, you liar? Give me the chocolate! It's my realm, goddamn it! I want the chocolate! And, wait, why isn't it invisible? O.o
about 12 years
ahaha :) that's good :) well I'm not completely back on em :P but I'll come on once and a while and check up on mah friends :)
about 12 years
I hate you. I want my dessert. It's my invisible realm, blades. D; /lateresponse
about 12 years
I heard! :D that's really cool! :D and no worries :) so how've you been?? :D
deletedabout 12 years
I'd never let the fact that I don't like you affect a report. Actually, if you were reported, I probably wouldn't even handle the report because I wouldn't want that to affect my decision at all. c:
deletedabout 12 years
*I jump up when I hear you yell, turning around* WHAT IS IT NOW??!?! *I put my hands on my hips, waiting for your answer*
about 12 years
Oh, by the way, from the song thingy, It kinda reminds me of "Hey Jude" by the Beatles :3
about 12 years
:O my friends gonna let me borrow Uncharted. Is it good? ;D