
Living room
part of  family

A couch cannot lie. It is only a couch.

If you would like to know if the couch is sided with the village or the mafia, simply ask for a "couch report."

To doubt the word of the couch is called a "couch trap", and usually results in a failure for the town.

Please, just sit back and relax.

deletedover 13 years
At last I can post on walls!

Couch, your advice to Futon has become the basis of my philosophy - but consider me your pupil still. I have much to learn.
over 13 years
Your last two games were truly hilarious. The server owned you today.
over 13 years
A couch cannot recieve bad karma, for it is a comfy couch
over 13 years
thanks couch, I never ended up -k ing you, btw.
over 13 years
over 13 years
I refuse to believe you and Futon are separate entities. You are, at the very least, the perfect soulmates. I befriend you both!
over 13 years
thanks! returned :D
over 13 years
We're already in the house.
deletedover 13 years
Couch the game is a web of lies not honesty, theres no room for you in this place. Your too big to fit through the door.
over 13 years
Back off, imagination. We furniture are bringin back trust and honesty into the game. Take your religious pro-mafia preachings somewhere else. :)
deletedover 13 years
This is war.
over 13 years
I am honored.
over 13 years
+k.... verrry compfy (mis-spelled?)
deletedover 13 years
+karma for epic doc save and amazingly funny, but random name. Couch. XD
over 13 years
How are you doing, out there in the living room?
over 13 years
i sat on you today :/
over 13 years
Simply claiming to be mafia is not game throwing, for those concerned with the ill-informed -k below. Everybody has the right to believe or disbelieve the couch. When I claimed mafia, many did not believe and I was not lynched until it was obvious that I had to be mafia due to previous claims by others. I suggest to others to neg MiyakoMai if you support the Couch and you are against ignorance.
deletedover 13 years
-k for game throwing.
over 13 years
I have to apologize here for wasting your time but I really did know Shane was maf by the end of day 1. I just tried to look incompetent for the metagame aspect. Hopefully people won't spot this here. As my apologies I offer you +k when I get to 2k and a friend request for being a good vig.
over 13 years
Thank you for teaching me your ways, master.