Dragon deleted the comments I wrote on his wall. When people delete I comments I wrote, I decide that they are too much of a pussy to deserve to have comments that they've left. Why are you stalking me?
That's only because suckers like you delete negative comments, and also because most people won't leave a reason when they neg someone because they are afraid of retribution. Also, you may have 52 karma, but I have never once asked for any... whereas you have. Just yesterday. So you can feel sad about having to stoop that low :(
Oh well, at least I told EM about how shitty you are as a player on the silver and bronze walls, so at least even if they didn't believe me, it will be there in the back of their minds every time they see you. You can have your piddly little 50karma, it's not like anyone is going to think that you're decent after they play with you. Do yourself a favor and LEARN FROM MISTAKES.