I'm replying to you're post, I didnt game throw i voted my partner because i didnt want to the attention to be on me. I was already fos'ed but town had a stronger fos on my partner so i went with it. This is my second day playing the set up.. if it was unconventional, I apologize.
Somehow Tonks is claiming I gamethrew and has suspended me while Girallon disagrees. Essentially, D3 made a report because he raged about losing. I don't care about not being able to join anything for 24 hours, I just don't want the suspension on my record because it's completely on deserved as the above shows.
I know you addressed this already, but trust me, we have personal issues, considering he accuses me of cheating and got the community to believe it with no evidence besides, i know you did.
Please just look at the game, he said he talked to another mod but i dont believe him.
deletedover 13 years
I'm extremely sorry about that game. after I said that last line I had to go check something out on my dad's car. His car broke and he was at work (got a ride from mom) and needed me to read some numbers from a folder. I didn't get back in time... Did you refund their hearts?
an autoloss strategy is autoloss, especially when they recruit a person to lose with them. if I think killing my cc as maf will win the game (when it is surely autolose for me), is it not gamethrowing if I just type out "I thought I would win"?
how is that poor play? if jones wasnt metacleared and somehow town lynched wrong, doc + shrink would be on tracker and town would STILL GET MAF. what they did was byfar gamethrowing, guaranteeing mafia would be lynched and clearing a tracker. the tracker can then find the last maf for an easy win for town... *EVEN IF TOWN LYNCHED WRONG DAY 1* the fact that that is somehow poor play and NOT gamethrowing is complete bullshit
Who the hell do you think you are to tell me I have account violations. I don't give a shit if you are a mod or a fucking beginner player, I understand and I don't need you to tell me on my wall.
i would like if you could take a quick look at this http://www.epicmafia.com/topic/26710 A mod has suspended for something which is clearly not against the rules. Thank you