
Bein a fool in your house

Don't you just love when games go your way? - NOTE: In Training Lobby. Ranked game, 3 blue, 2 nilla, 1 cop, 1 doc. I'm the Cop N1 - Doc is killed by Mafia, I investigate someone D1 - Shown that the person I investigated is Mafia. Keep quiet about my guilty. NL N2 - Investigate someone else, Blue is killed by Mafia D2 - Shown that other person investigated is also Mafia. Claim cop and show guilties, no CCs, Lynch one N3 - Blue killed D3 - Lynch other Mafia. Win game for Village! -- Bronze Lobby, competitive game. 1 Blue, 1 Hunter, 1 Doc, 1 Tracker, 1 Shrink, 2 BPs, and 2 Yaks. I was a yakked tracker. N1 - Yaks yak me and the Shrink and hit a BP. I track a yak D1 - I out my guilty before realizing I was yakked and play the bus out. Get the other mafia lynched. N2 - I kill the cleared hit BP D2 - NL Occurs. I miraculously state a NV on the blue N3 - I kill the outed Hunter D3 - Claim that my guilty was on the uncced Doc. NL occurs N4 - I NK D4 - ALMOST a NL, but then votes switch to the doc thinking he is Mafia, Doc is killed N5 - I kill the Blue and win the game for Mafia. See! Buses do work sometimes!

Don't you just hate when you listen to music and Suicide cuz you didn't know that people kicked? Cuz I do....

GUISE TEST: Ask me who my child is! Or... Ask me any question about Digimon.

almost 13 years
+k return? :3
deletedalmost 13 years
i haven't seen you around comp for a while so i decided to say hi lolz
about 13 years
Hi, thank you for your comment, do you have any ideas what part I should tweak of the kid role?
about 13 years
haven't seen you in forever- Find me!
over 13 years
fine.. :(
over 13 years
you implying I play bad? :(
over 13 years
lol you are just like a joke you don't know us
i know them good and i was right about silver for mafia and poker for non mafia and he just didn't kill het to say i care about her i think that is just a troll that i can't even report it
she was obv mafia
anyway you are just a polite girl to me
deletedover 13 years
D: I get custody of him every weekend + Tuesdays. You get him the rest of the time. :D
deletedover 13 years
much love
over 13 years
k+ for the great win as a maf partner!
deletedover 13 years
Jason... I'm sorry I have to say this, but we may have to kick you out of Rainbows Inside if you do not come on, or check up on the family, or play a game. I'm sorry, but this is your warning.
over 13 years
I can finally +k you!
over 13 years
Duhhh it was autowin cause of your bad kill. Why try?
over 13 years
Lol your kills weren't good though. If someone had been killed EITHER day, I would have talked cause then there would have been a point to it but you made it so there wasn't. Your report against me is humorous though. I won't neg you though cause even though you chose awful kills, not really worth a neg. Just try harder next time :)
over 13 years
Plussed back! Tell me if you want to play Survivor again !
over 13 years
Thanks ^^ I +k'ed you back
over 13 years
Very cool =)
over 13 years
Return me 4 win you reach 5000 points please.
deletedover 13 years
+kd u plz return
deletedover 13 years
Thank you, returned :D