
Bein a fool in your house

Don't you just love when games go your way? - NOTE: In Training Lobby. Ranked game, 3 blue, 2 nilla, 1 cop, 1 doc. I'm the Cop N1 - Doc is killed by Mafia, I investigate someone D1 - Shown that the person I investigated is Mafia. Keep quiet about my guilty. NL N2 - Investigate someone else, Blue is killed by Mafia D2 - Shown that other person investigated is also Mafia. Claim cop and show guilties, no CCs, Lynch one N3 - Blue killed D3 - Lynch other Mafia. Win game for Village! -- Bronze Lobby, competitive game. 1 Blue, 1 Hunter, 1 Doc, 1 Tracker, 1 Shrink, 2 BPs, and 2 Yaks. I was a yakked tracker. N1 - Yaks yak me and the Shrink and hit a BP. I track a yak D1 - I out my guilty before realizing I was yakked and play the bus out. Get the other mafia lynched. N2 - I kill the cleared hit BP D2 - NL Occurs. I miraculously state a NV on the blue N3 - I kill the outed Hunter D3 - Claim that my guilty was on the uncced Doc. NL occurs N4 - I NK D4 - ALMOST a NL, but then votes switch to the doc thinking he is Mafia, Doc is killed N5 - I kill the Blue and win the game for Mafia. See! Buses do work sometimes!

Don't you just hate when you listen to music and Suicide cuz you didn't know that people kicked? Cuz I do....

GUISE TEST: Ask me who my child is! Or... Ask me any question about Digimon.


1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 20Do No Harm

Created Setups

deletedover 13 years
+karma for you :)
deletedover 13 years
thnx! returned
deletedover 13 years
Awesome hammer! That was epic! Oh. I see that I've already +ked you before. *laughs* Oh well, great game.
deletedover 13 years
Hello! You are receiving this notice because you expressed interest in a gigantic game of survivor, but I have not received a confirmation email from you! I need you to send me an email with the days and times you would be most available to play, as well as the time zone you are currently living in. For my email address and more information, please refer to the forum post:
deletedover 13 years
+K :)
over 13 years
Thank you. Have some back for friending me and giving me some karma. :D
over 13 years
sorreh, momma was doin some crazy shit and i wasn't able to pay attention that well
over 13 years
you have to admit, that was complete bullshit, i wasnt going to continue a game where the host can change the fucking rules
over 13 years
plussed back :D
over 13 years
All in good time Jason! I hear the agency is accepting applications, so ya never know! ;) Great partnership last game. You were a good maf buddy!
over 13 years
Good player is good. +k.
over 13 years
+k'ed for pure awesomeness. Any more awesome, and you'd be an agent like me! =P
deletedover 13 years
+k back. Hey, no problem about that yak, especially when I won. ;)
over 13 years
+k rainbow fran
over 13 years
+k'd for yakking me. it was a good decision.
deletedover 13 years
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: We HAD that one! Sucks bout da kicking >:/ Anyway, good niight!
over 13 years
+K for you!
deletedover 13 years
And now I re-+K you. o;
over 13 years
plussed ya
deletedover 13 years