
The Island
part of  family




11 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 25Explosion!
1 / 30Oxyclean
about 13 years
incar would get mad
so would nbt sorry ask bubbles
about 13 years
Plussed so you can continue to post on the forums.
deletedabout 13 years
*whine. fixing my typo on dis wall. B)
deletedabout 13 years
negged so i don't have to hear you wine about your itchy vagina.
about 13 years
You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!You are #1 in the competition!
deletedabout 13 years
ugh why are you so negged?
about 13 years
qui is gone...
deletedabout 13 years
Already had you plussed. I hope you can imagine the shame I felt. :)
about 13 years
+6k for you.
about 13 years
Jack, I would plus you back up, but you are already plussed on all my accounts.
deletedabout 13 years
I would warn you for that game you were silent in, but you seem like a magnificent bastard who plays by his own rules anyway, so what would be the point?
deletedabout 13 years
that doesn't seem fair! don't ruin my karma because you can't handle how awesome my pink eye looks. You got a warning before the link, but you're morbid curiosity made you click! In fact, you should +k out of sympathy for the pain I felt.
deletedabout 13 years
You are when you dont trust what Misa says :P:P:P /change ur pic the one before was cuter lol :)
deletedabout 13 years
Dissapointed me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no more tats for you!
about 13 years
Lay off Mimi a bit please.. she finds your behavior offensive and while you're not in danger of being suspended for it or anything, just do the polite thing and ignore her, please?
about 13 years
Negged, friggin troll
deletedabout 13 years
[/fu][/troll][/rtroll][/sadtroll][/gah][/uhm][/eyes][/pissed][/red][/omg][/wat][/poker][/straight][/dude][/ewbte][/ewbtetext][/awman][/beh][/hehheh][/hmm][/happy][/whoa] [pft] [/pfttext][/futext], [/ok], [/perfect], [/yey], [/fy1], [/son], [/high], [/wetodddog], [/lol], [/milk], [/rmilk], [/ghappy], [/gohno], [/gwah], [/gfu], [/gsmile], [/gbeh], [/gwat], [/gyey], [/gtongue], [/guhm], [/blackhair], [/Melvin], [/megusta], [/bepistrollingyoubetter], [/megustaperfect], [/teethrage], [/harpdarp], [/aintthatsomeshit], [/forever], [/foreveralone], 'foreveralonewithyourmum][/okay], [/bepislaughingatyou][/dumbbitch][/wtf][/jasonqualman][/trolldad][/vuvu][/pickletime][/itstime][/notsure][/welp][/yuno][/bepinthemorning][/cereal][/ohcrap][/gtroll][/notokay][/fap]
about 13 years
oh man oh man guess the cat is out the motherfucking bag, bro.
about 13 years