
over there

Oblivious Observer


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
over 13 years
Ugh sorry. It's just I'd rather risk them seeing a random message such as "my" than them see a whole "I saved you"
over 13 years
It was pretty easy with that active lurker. Lol. I thought it out properly.
over 13 years
Plussed you back :)
over 13 years
D; ;;_;; Ass. I respect you, don't make me have to kill you. >_<
over 13 years
+k'd. :D
over 13 years
I have bestowed upon you a generous helping of karma! No need to return.
over 13 years
+K'd :D
over 13 years
Be back soon!
deletedabout 14 years
It's mafialord. i made a new file cuz ppl killed me cuz i was a mafialord lol