+K'd for great hammer and the best game I've played all week! =D
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for you great hammer, I'm not really a crap player I just get bored easily xD however unless I have a PR I look scummy because I lurk and stuff like that great game (:
deletedalmost 14 years
im sorry i vegged out my internet froze on me :(
deletedalmost 14 years
Neg the proven cheater Wendys (http://www.epicmafia.com/user/41010) or you're a retarded grandma molestor!
I see why you're called AmAzin.. xD GG Too bad I lost! D: I would +K you if I could.
deletedalmost 14 years
Ughh I figured out you were town last game when I realized that maf wouldn't keep asking about jan code if they were maf and from my pov there was no jan code.
Wow.. i had that exact avvie for months! Thanks for the +K, right back atcha
deletedalmost 14 years
hahaha, that's really funny... I partly thought it was a nk because that doc save was too easy based on what we talked about before the game started. But I realized that prolly wasn't the case after I saw kareem's reaction after I cc'd >.>