

I'd appreciate it if you didn't neg me for shitty reasons. Yes, I do play horribly sometimes, and that's a valid reason to neg me. But don't neg me when I actually do a good job and you're just mad because I hammered correctly against you.



1 / 25Objection!
1 / 10Governator!
1 / 20He's Batman
deletedover 13 years
+k for you, and tea!
deletedover 13 years
+k, I love pancakes! please return
over 13 years
Oh god after watching the game the person to be copd n1 was framed. So great of you drinking the cop :D
over 13 years
You drunk cop but then you got the maf. GJ. +K
over 13 years
okay i lied. >.>
over 13 years
@draw lies, you know I'm awesome.
over 13 years
i hate you so much right now mate XD
over 13 years
+2 obviously!
over 13 years
You got terrible cheated! You had that in the bag!
over 13 years
sorry you got cheated, nice game
deletedover 13 years
+K for being a good mafia.
deletedover 13 years
+k for winning that game we just played
deletedover 13 years
+k for hammering at the right time on the right person to overcome the troll. Well done!
over 13 years
+2k for epic tracking!