

the pic is a crab

guise/vent test: i never swear

deletedalmost 14 years
lol Yeah. I would be very happy if you did. Lady still calls me Skye. :)
deletedalmost 14 years
We used to play with Lady (RedNano). SkyeMoonlight. You told me you were Asian. :D
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd Because I am Skye.
almost 14 years
would you please neg me? :]
almost 14 years
hehe +k for u too
deletedalmost 14 years
Confused Cop 2.0

deletedalmost 14 years
i did not purposely do that! I didn't even know what was going to happen, I just did what my buddies told me to. sorry.
almost 14 years
-K for AFK'ing all the way through the game and active-lurking
almost 14 years
You have filled me with so much rage this day
deletedalmost 14 years
I would like to apologize for last night, I was being an ass.
about 14 years
pro xxxx
about 14 years
good (looooong) game just now, +k
about 14 years
Unplussed you. Next time dont snap vote in first 30 seconds of the day without considering anything.
about 14 years
gg +k
about 14 years
+Ked Bliss! Finally there! :D

Did Skye delete her account? =[ I couldn't find it and I was gonna +K her
deletedabout 14 years
I think i got dced that time, i wouldnt leave a ranked game if i didnt dc
about 14 years
:D Tanx! It's aiight, maybe you'll figure out one day...or not. :P

about 14 years
You can't join our 'tapping sweet ass' fest because we don't want crabs. xD
about 14 years
+k fun game! Nice venting!
about 14 years
awww bliss <3333 i've been at school, >.< But now its the weekend and we will funpact all night looong!